Short delay....


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May 18, 2018
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I have a few crushed grains I'd like to treat and then store for 48 hours. Is it OK to let them steep, drain, cool, cover and refrigerate for use on Brew Day?
Has anybody done this and what were your results?
They'll then be used with DME in a 30 minute boil.
Thank you.
It would work - give the wort a quick boil, say, 10 minutes to sterilize it, then be sure to chill it as quickly as possible and keep air out - float plastic wrap on the surface to do that. I can't imagine bacteria growing quickly enough after that treatment to cause you problems.
Sounds like you're doing a straight-forward extract/steeped grain recipe. Unless you're just really pressed for time you won't be creating a big advantage and possibly risking problems by steeping ahead of time. As Nosy mentioned, you'd need to boil before you store it so you're boiling twice. Why not just store the grains until you get ready to brew. Crushed malt hold just fine for up to several weeks in the freezer and take up a whole lot less room.
I've heard of people holding the wort overnight. I wouldn't risk going longer since you could get souring bacteria growing.
