"Return to Top" Button!


Ale’s What Cures Ya!
Lifetime Member
Staff member
Established Member
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Upper Michigan/Florida
I bet you didn't notice it, but quite a while ago you guys asked for a button to return to the top of the page when browsing the forum.

It's been added!


It's unobtrusive, but there! I wanted to let you all know what that little arrow was, and to ask you if you find it useful. It should make reading the posts on the forum easier and returning to the top of the page more fluid. Let me know what you think, please.
Thanks for the heads up @Yooper! The new button works very well and is much appreciated.
I also noticed (or maybe I've just never seen it before) a new heading called Documentation under the Community tab. Looks to be a nice feature explaining how to use everything offered here.
Nice job! No I'll have to re-train myself to use it ;)
I'd like a proper Delete MY post button.. Sometimes if you start a post then have to change your mind... you cant - well I can't seem to. No matter what I do I have to post - something - just to get out of the entry mode.
They used to have a delet option then it would ask you why. It used to get me out of a lot of drunken moments when I realized I was writing complete gibberish but now well people have gotta read that stuff

Great work on the return to top team it's even got the BF colour scheam top notch!
I'd like a proper Delete MY post button.. Sometimes if you start a post then have to change your mind... you cant - well I can't seem to. No matter what I do I have to post - something - just to get out of the entry mode.

I don't think we'll have that, at least not anytime soon. But if you want to not post, the "back" button works. Trust me, I've often used it when I thought that after three beers I was coming up with a brilliant new post and then read what I typed and realized that I look much smarter when I don't post. :)
It’s the little things that keep us so happy! :)

Great work Yooper and the other worker bees!
Awesome, thanks Yooper!

It is funny how incredibly smart beer can make us!
It's because of beer I mess up my posts in the first place!!!!
