Primary into Keezer, That OK?

chuck's brew

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May 19, 2015
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To start off, I live in Sacramento. It has been super hot here recently. I have gotten away with fermenting in my livingroom. Sunday I brewed a stout. I prepared myself for a hot monday, so I had a window ac pointed right at the fermenter and I went to work. Monday, after work, I came home and my fermenter had actively fermented out of the air lock.

This was not the first time this has happened, but now I a faced with going out of town for a week. The high temps in sacramento are going to range from 82- 102 degrees while I am away. I do have a keezer in the garage, and I have used it to cold crash, but never for fermentation.

Would it be advisable/ok to place the stout, in primary, into the keezer while I am away? This would be the easiest for me, but I also have 2 kegs of beer in there.

I used WLP002 for this recipe.

Any suggestions would be helpful.
I've only used my keezer for pilsners regarding fermenting....Never have done it with a stout but my gut feelings is that that isn't a great idea.
if you have a temp controller, go for it just put a pencil or a butter knife popping the lid up barely to allow co2 to escape
I do have a temperature controller. I will do that. Should I set it at 60 or 65 degrees? I want a temp that be ok for the already legged and tapped beer but also for fermentation. Thanks a bunch for your thoughts. CHEERS!
anywhere in that range will be fine, 62 is ideal for that yeast
Don't drink from those kegs when they warm up w/o venting. The pressure will be high. Better to chill them back down before serving. Minor thought
GernBlanston said:
Don't drink from those kegs when they warm up w/o venting. The pressure will be high. Better to chill them back down before serving. Minor thought

Noted. Thanks :)
