Pre-Boil calculation with hops ruined brewday.

Yeah...that makes a difference alright. 4 oz of hops That seems way too down in the weeds for a home brewer to concern themselves with
Unless you are brewing, let's say, Wayner's Pale Ale which gets a pound of hops... not a huge deal, but it is not a bad idea to increase batch size to compensate
Okay, I am not sure what I did. Something got odd in my equipment profile, I think I was able to reset the values? I am not sure. But it is now showing 8.23 for strike, which is more along the lines of what seems accurate. Thank you guys! I genuinely don't know how it had gotten messed up. I do not know how to set an equipment profile for a specific gallon size, but maybe in some of the resets that happened.

No idea how it would have gone off base in the first place. But thank you for the help!
For a while the calculator was pretty glitchy. They had added features like the "auto" features and it was very hard to get things right. Even with rounds of fixes, it was a little tricky (and still is sort if you're not paying attention) I had similar trouble to what you're having and got frustrated and put together my own spreadsheet-based brewing calculator so I could bypass some of the "features" that were being added to the BF recipe calculator. I still use my calculator to get things nailed down and then input the recipe in the BF recipe calculator to double check the numbers and to fine-tune the water profile. Because I have a firm handle on my volumes from my own calculator, I can quickly find any discrepancies and get things right before I figure water additions.

Sorry you had's sort of a learning process and you have to chalk up some batches to growing pains. :)
Okay, I am not sure what I did. Something got odd in my equipment profile, I think I was able to reset the values? I am not sure. But it is now showing 8.23 for strike, which is more along the lines of what seems accurate. Thank you guys! I genuinely don't know how it had gotten messed up. I do not know how to set an equipment profile for a specific gallon size, but maybe in some of the resets that happened.

No idea how it would have gone off base in the first place. But thank you for the help!
short way to try it out is to plan your next brew now, while this is fresh in your head. You can alter, save, tweak, save more and mess about to confirm you have all the settings you need.

Is your average efficiency _really_ 56% ?
Okay, I am not sure what I did. Something got odd in my equipment profile, I think I was able to reset the values? I am not sure. But it is now showing 8.23 for strike, which is more along the lines of what seems accurate. Thank you guys! I genuinely don't know how it had gotten messed up. I do not know how to set an equipment profile for a specific gallon size, but maybe in some of the resets that happened.

No idea how it would have gone off base in the first place. But thank you for the help!
You know, I stopped listening to the water calculator years ago. For my 5 gallon batches, I always start with 8.25 gallons, siphon off 1.75 gallons for sparge, then brew with the remainder. Always comes out close.
You know, I stopped listening to the water calculator years ago. For my 5 gallon batches, I always start with 8.25 gallons, siphon off 1.75 gallons for sparge, then brew with the remainder. Always comes out close.
I do same, but different
Start with 7.5 litre
Sparge with whatever it takes to fill the kettle, boil and top up when necessary and I get the right amount in the fermenter.
The joy of small batch stovetop brewing with a kettle of about the same volume as my fermenter :)
Volumes are pretty easy to calculate. I've got my spreadsheet/calculator dialled in so that when the sparge stops, I'm pretty much dead on the money for pre-boil volume every time. Post boil can be off by a quart or two, depending on ambient temp and boil rate but if anything it's a little low and I can top up if I want to be sure I get enough in the fermenter.
