No flavor when dry hopping


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Jun 7, 2022
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When dry hopping in the keg for 7-10 days, full fermentation time I’m not getting the flavors from the hops just the bittering from the boil. Been having to dry hop in the keg and then getting the flavors… assuming the oils are coming out as I’m shaking the keg during the carbonating. Seems like I’m wasting hops in the dry hop. Any tips on getting the flavors out of the dry hopping when you shouldn’t be agitating it in the fermenter or just skip dry hopping in the fermentor and dry hop in the keg only.
should only dry hop for about 2 days max after primary fermentation is finished.
should only dry hop for about 2 days max after primary fermentation is finished.
There's lots of confusion around dry hopping. Well, at least I'm confused. I've heard to keep it short but I've also heard it's better to dry hop right after the kreuzen drops. Basically after after active fermentation but while fermentation is still going on. But if you dry hop 2-4 days after pitching and only dry hop for 2 days then your ferment is less than a week. Unless you're talking about a Kveik yeast, that does not sound like enough time for the yeast to complete their magic. So which way to I lean, dry hop later in the ferment and keep the dry hop period short or dry hop earlier and extend the dry hop period. Or maybe throw a couple dice and use that for the dry hop day :p ?
There's lots of confusion around dry hopping. Well, at least I'm confused. I've heard to keep it short but I've also heard it's better to dry hop right after the kreuzen drops. Basically after after active fermentation but while fermentation is still going on. But if you dry hop 2-4 days after pitching and only dry hop for 2 days then your ferment is less than a week. Unless you're talking about a Kveik yeast, that does not sound like enough time for the yeast to complete their magic. So which way to I lean, dry hop later in the ferment and keep the dry hop period short or dry hop earlier and extend the dry hop period. Or maybe throw a couple dice and use that for the dry hop day :p ?
I guess I look at it very simply. let fermentation do its thing. then dry hop two before packaging. you want the aromas and some of the oils to come through.
I guess I look at it very simply. let fermentation do its thing. then dry hop two before packaging. you want the aromas and some of the oils to come through.
@Minbari, how long is your standard ferment? Do you watch the gravity so see when fermentation stops or do you let it go for a specified number of days?
Currently I don't have a Tilt to monitor gravity so I just give it two weeks, including cold crashing).
@Minbari, how long is your standard ferment? Do you watch the gravity so see when fermentation stops or do you let it go for a specified number of days?
Currently I don't have a Tilt to monitor gravity so I just give it two weeks, including cold crashing).
I do monitor it, then add a few days to let the yeast finish up. but even if you do it for a specific number of days. once those days are up, then dry hop for two days, cold crash and package. the extra two days wont effect the outcome
When dry hopping in the keg for 7-10 days, full fermentation time I’m not getting the flavors from the hops just the bittering from the boil. Been having to dry hop in the keg and then getting the flavors… assuming the oils are coming out as I’m shaking the keg during the carbonating. Seems like I’m wasting hops in the dry hop. Any tips on getting the flavors out of the dry hopping when you shouldn’t be agitating it in the fermenter or just skip dry hopping in the fermentor and dry hop in the keg only.
Agitation is not needed. Even a month after fermentation, you should get hop florals.

Too long might reduce the aromas and flavors. And adding hops after the end of fermentation risks adding oxygen (that tired yeast may not scavenge) which can reduce aromas and flavors, plus add off-flavors.

How much hops in how large a batch, of which hops?
Technically you won't be getting much actual flavor from dry hopping. You will get some, but dry hopping will primarily give you hop aroma. Having said that,aroma and flavor do play together on the senses, increased aroma will also enhance flavors.
If you are looking for more hop flavor you should be adding hops after the boil in a hopstand, or whirlpool. For how long, and at what temperature will affect the flavor and bitterness imparted.
It would be helpful to see the hop schedule. There are several reason dry hopping can end up underwhelming. Did have any whirlpool hops? Did you have any oxidation? Oxidation reduces the hop aroma and flavor dramatically. The devil as always, is in the details.
I dry hop after cold crashing.
Usually for 3 days before I can get them to drop and then keg.
I also purge through the cone with CO2 while adding them and continue purging for a few minutes before closing up the fermenter.
Then purge again to agitate them the next day.
Technically you won't be getting much actual flavor from dry hopping. You will get some, but dry hopping will primarily give you hop aroma. Having said that,aroma and flavor do play together on the senses, increased aroma will also enhance flavors.
If you are looking for more hop flavor you should be adding hops after the boil in a hopstand, or whirlpool. For how long, and at what temperature will affect the flavor and bitterness imparted.

Agree. This has given me the best results. Whether it is at shutoff or at 180-170 F, the results have been good, and better than in the ferment or dry hop. I slow (delay) the cool down for additions at 180-170.
Agree. This has given me the best results. Whether it is at shutoff or at 180-170 F, the results have been good, and better than in the ferment or dry hop. I slow (delay) the cool down for additions at 180-170.
For a Hazy, I usually WP at about 82C for about 20 minutes.
