New mmber in rainy london United kingdome

Brewer #436376

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Aug 27, 2024
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Im brand new to this forum live in rainy london been brewing on and off for 15 years either by packes or grain have brew master like grianfarther but I think better I would love to find the recipe for good old malt shclitz the one in the blue can with a bull on it don't no why the stopped making it really miss.
had for a short wile an near good equivalent call breaker in a greeny gold can and colt45 both malt but now not available any more
And finally the was a champagne beer in France called ziese again the stop it
Any nice to meet you all Steve
Welcome Steve. I always thought London was always sunny with blue skies...

Anyhow. I'm writing about Schlitz beer in America, which can still be had.

Schlitz beer is a lager, and with so little flavor it is really hard to make. Unlike ales, there is nothing to hide any 'off' flavours.

But that is no reason to not try!

Try this
Welcome Steve. It is a real pain when they stop producing a beer we like. Ah fond memories... . Colt45 was actually the very first beer which I tried as it was basically the cheapest in those half size cans but I hated the taste. Art teacher at school let us loose with cameras and me and a buddy called into a nearby supermarket, got served (which would nowadays be hardly possible with the strict age limits in force) and shared a 4-pack of the stuff. At 16 years of age was to put it mildly very intoxicating an experience which made up for the taste but not surprisingly landed us in a heap of trouble. I love brewing and am much more responsible these days but my photography skills haven't improved much. Oh and it sometimes rains up here in Yorkshire too. Enjoy the site and I hope you can get to brew more of the beers which you like.
Not familiar with the champagne beer, but you can get dry like that with a French Saison yeast, some Pils, and some wheat. I just made one, and am going to have a glass in a minute.
They used to make a really dry IPA at the local brew pubs over here that they served during the holidays. You can't find it anymore, but they dried it out with an enzyme.
I am not a big American Lager fan unless it is a Pre-Prohibition or Mexican style with the corn. Pre-Pros and Mexican Lagers.. I like those. Rice lagers, unless it is a Kirin, not really.
I remember Schlitz Malt Liquor with the blue bull...yeah..silver and black can...and Colt 45...ahh Baltimore's Best..."works every time" and still available...ya know there's a web site devoted to 40's?

Oh yeah...welcome to the beer stube! If you want to know more about champagne beer, Drew Beechum did a BrewFiles episode on it on Experimental Brewing a few years ago.
Welcome to BF!
