NEIPA Brew Session


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Mar 21, 2024
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Did another brew session yesterday.

Recipe a duplicate of one I did about 1.5 months ago but changed some hops for variation.

Grainfather 30. Started with 5.5gal water.

Pale 2-Row - 10.75lb
Flaked Oat - 1.4lb
Flaked Wheat - 1.4lb
Honey Malt - 0.42lb
Dumped in some Rice Hulls

10 Minutes into Boil:
1oz Nectaron
1oz Citra

15 Minutes into Hop Stand:
1.5oz Nectaron
1.5oz Citra
1.5oz Mosaic

Irish Moss and Yeast Nutrient added in during boil

London Ale III Yeast

Will be DDH.
3 days:
1.5oz Necatron
1oz Mosaic
1oz Citra

7 days:
1oz Mosaic
1.5oz Citra
1.5oz Necatron

Color looked fantastic. Have it in a SS Brew Tank right now w/ a Tilt. Finally got my handle on getting the Tilt synced up. Always got it going but I jumped through meaningless hoops to get it going. After some help on here, realized it was super simple plug and play basically.

We're getting close to 24hrs and starting to get some action. Sitting at 73˚. Would like it cooler but it's just sitting in my dog shower so it is what it is.

Had people over yesterday to help brew. My best bud and I usually do it but had his brother and my neighbor over who have never brewed so that was fun. Had some beers. Grilled out. Chewed the fat. Great day for all....except for LSU losing.

Did this same exact recipe last time but switched Galaxy for Nectaron this time. Ended up with a much higher SG this time around. Not sure what happened. Last time had some issues (me being an idiot) with the CFC.
Just did my second round of DDHing this AM.

1oz Mosaic
1.5oz Citra
1.5oz Nectaron

Started at a SG of 1.069. Sitting at 1.020 right now at 68°.

Will probably keg it around Wednesday. Then burst carb it with a couple rolls and cold crash it down to 38° before tapping it.

Maybe ready for next Sunday for football.

Spent time yesterday cleaning and sanitizing my kegs with the SS Brewtech keg CIP ball sprayer kit. Pretty nice to be able to set it and forget it. Cleaned out all my keg lines as well. Always a gross time.

Ended up at 6.56%.

Color came out great. Nose is fantastic. Tastes great without cold crashing and carbing. Have it in the kegerator hooked up at 32ish psi.
I was burst carbing and I forgot and let it go for like 2.5 days. I meant to cut it at 2 days but it was Friday after work and we were heading to a beer fest and I showered after work and headed out without thinking.

Will it be ok or is it going to be over carbonated?
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Holy smokes this came out amazing. By far the best NEIPA I’ve made to date. Nose, taste, and mouthfeel are all on point.
So, perfectly carbonated then?

Don’t worry about over carbonating. If you bring it down to normal pressure, it will equalize itself in a day or two.
So, perfectly carbonated then?

Don’t worry about over carbonating. If you bring it down to normal pressure, it will equalize itself in a day or two.
The pour yesterday was perfect. Honestly, best first pour results I've had from carbonating in my young go around with brewing. Gonna let it sit for a couple more days and just rest at 12psi. I'll probably have a patio beer at some point this week.
The pour yesterday was perfect. Honestly, best first pour results I've had from carbonating in my young go around with brewing. Gonna let it sit for a couple more days and just rest at 12psi. I'll probably have a patio beer at some point this week.
So now we have a new process. Do that afain next time and let us know.
