Look who I just met….


Well-Known Member
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Apr 26, 2021
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Central Alabama
Down in Oz visiting family and friends. While in Queensland, we were practically next door to @GFHomebrew (on the right). Met up at Rick’s Garage for lunch with him and his lovely family on our last day in Oz. Good to meet Ben and Leah and little Tilda.
That is a kick ass beard too, Roadie. I'm getting close:)
That’s what happens when ya retire and the missus doesn’t care if ya shave or not. I sure don’t like it and never have. Something inherently wrong with dragging a razor across your neck to remove hair that’s just gonna grow back.
I started one maybe a year and a half ago. I will let the barber trim the sides just a little bit when I get my hair cut every couple of months. I'm getting there. Not quite to where you are, but close. I got lazy too and hate razors on my face. The wife was fine with it up until she passed a couple of months ago.
Just don't lean over the blender, or the stove, or you'll end up looking like zz top.

Glad you got to see Ben, he looks good!
Cordless drills pack a pretty big punch when they hit ya in the mouth too. I experienced a bloody lip on occasion while doing our renovations. I’ve heard that smaller drill bits give a little more time to stop the drill just before it triggers new dental bills. Large bore paddle bits not so much.

Yeah, almost didn’t recognize @GFHomebrew (Ben) because of the weight he’s put on, but he looks very healthy now and just like anything else we’ve seen him do, he’s committed to his new lifestyle and it really shows. Celiac disease is basically starving to death at a very slow rate. Nasty business. Glad to see him doing so much better.
Just don't lean over the blender, or the stove, or you'll end up looking like zz top.

Glad you got to see Ben, he looks good!
Kinda forgot it too, but one of my cousins calls me "the missing member of ZZ Top". Just wish I had the implied paycheck to go with that.
Totally unidentify with the razors thing.

BTW that photo is of legendary status - seriously. Thanks for posting as I did recall you guys' original plans to meet up.
Love that you @RoadRoach went and found @GFHomebrew him!
This is a pretty awesome community!
Good to see you both.
yup It was All Roadie he sought me out and dragged me out into the light of day :D .

kidding! he is a genuine Down to Earth Kinda Guy a rare breed these days!
yup It was All Roadie he sought me out and dragged me out into the light of day :D .

kidding! he is a genuine Down to Earth Kinda Guy a rare breed these days!
I try to be. I didn’t think it would be very nice of me to get that close and not at least have a lunch together. I was raised with better manners. Made perfect sense to go say hello to someone I met on the Last Saturday Skype meetings. Even my 16 year old granddaughter had a good time meeting Ben with his full blown Queensland accent. My in-laws live nearby in Buderim, and we were staying with them while doing some touristy things out of at Hervey Bay and K’gari (pronounced Gary with a silent K), aka Fraser Island. Ben’s circumstance as well as our travels nearly made the meetup undoable, but we prevailed. Very glad we did.

So who’s next? Perhaps we keep this thread going with members meeting face to face, with photos to show it. Some of us are pretty close (relatively and geographically speaking of course). Maybe we start doing a meet ‘n greet announcement so folks can meet in the middle and swap brews and tell tall tales. Put the personal touch back in the fellowship of the brewing community, so to speak. Can’t have too many friends and acquaintances. I intend to try to meet up with more this summer.
Totally unidentify with the razors thing.

BTW that photo is of legendary status - seriously. Thanks for posting as I did recall you guys' original plans to meet up.
Gotta look closely, but those are actually two different photos. My granddaughter took one with each of our phones so we’d both have one. They’d make a pretty good “Spot the Difference” puzzle. Totally unplanned.
