Is my yeast pack good?


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Mar 21, 2024
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I have a Wyeast 2565 Kolsch yeast packet I got from Northern Brewer a couple weeks ago and didn't pay attention and tossed it in the fridge. Pulled it out this morning and can't tell if the activator ball inside was popped already or not. It seems like it's swelled up a little more then my un-popped London Ale IIIs but it's not fully swollen. When I push it to the corner, I can feel where there should be a ball but it's not hard and solid like my other packs.

Is this packet of yeast bad? Was thinking about making a Spotted Cow Clone this AM. Can I still use it?
I've had it pulled out of the fridge for like 15 minutes and it's already swelling up...hmmmm....might be some life in the ole girl yet
Keep it in the fridge until you're ready, it should be fine. Eventually it will swell and burst if you let it get warm
At 7.5 days and it's wrapped up fermentation. Hit my numbers on my Spotted Cow Clone dead on. Recipe called for SG of 1.054 FG of 1.014. I came in at 1.053 and 1.014. Haven't tasted yet so I'll do that one day this week. Planning on kegging Wed/Thurs. Figured I'd give it an extra day or two to finish up.
