So I started brewing about 9 years ago and got pretty into it. But I was living in an apartment so kept pretty much to partial mash extract brewing. Well I moved into a house with some space a couple years ago and decided to pick brewing back up. So I purchased a bunch of new equipment and even a brewzilla. To get back into things I decided to just do a warmup partial mash again. But I had a bit of an issue during my attempt to chill the wort (I thought I would get a little cute with the worth chiller and lost some of the wort and couldn't get it down to temp).
Long story slightly shorter I ended up with 5 gallons of wort in my fermenter that was hovering around 88 degrees. I had no way to get it cooler faster (I live in Arizona). I had to make a decision to leave it in the fermenter or pitch the yeast (WLP002). Because it wasn't cooling quickly at all I just decided to pitch the yeast. It started bubbling within 12 hours (now at about 70 degrees). And kept going for about 48 hours pretty vigorously .
So from the point where the wort went from a boil to 93 degrees was about an hour and it was 4 hours later (at 88 degrees) when I pitched the yeast. Its been in the primary for 5 days now (at 68 degrees). What potential issues am I facing/should I be on the look out for? I appreciate the help.
Long story slightly shorter I ended up with 5 gallons of wort in my fermenter that was hovering around 88 degrees. I had no way to get it cooler faster (I live in Arizona). I had to make a decision to leave it in the fermenter or pitch the yeast (WLP002). Because it wasn't cooling quickly at all I just decided to pitch the yeast. It started bubbling within 12 hours (now at about 70 degrees). And kept going for about 48 hours pretty vigorously .
So from the point where the wort went from a boil to 93 degrees was about an hour and it was 4 hours later (at 88 degrees) when I pitched the yeast. Its been in the primary for 5 days now (at 68 degrees). What potential issues am I facing/should I be on the look out for? I appreciate the help.