Hop Spider - Size


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Feb 17, 2017
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Hello everyone,

I just used a hop spider for the first time on my last brew, IPA. I really think I am going to go back to just throwing the hops in where they belong, but the trub separation sure was nice...

I am using a homemade spider, with a standard hop sock from my LHBS, 12" weighted with a few marbles.

This brew had first wort, boil and flame out additions (which the flame out additions really got me thinking I am not going to bother).

My question is, is my setup working ok? Yes, the beer will talk to me, but still in fermentation and I am open to discussion.
Do I need a bigger hop sock? I am thinking a rigid sock, likely stainless, wide diameter would probably work more efficiently, allowing more movement of the hops during the boil.

Has anyone used a simple sock like this before? Results?



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I just throw the hops in the kettle and let them do their thing. I've been thinking about making the hop spider you've got obviously keeps back plenty of hop material. Will have to wait and see if you taste any difference in this beer compared to previous brews.
You can get paint strainers at local hardware store in gallon or 5 gallon size. The 5gal would allow more room but for brews with lots of leaf hops I just throw em in and they form their own filter bed when draining the kettle through the spigot.
Cleaning the kettle is a pain though.
I'm a fan of just tossing them in.
I have strained the cooled wort through paint strainer bags in the past, but I don't want to take a chance with infection so I don't go that anymore.
I've used a bag once before (not the steeping bags, and not with a spider). It was way too much trouble for me.
Like others, I'll toss everything in to ferment. then usually secondary to help cut down on all the trub going into the final product
I tend to go as simple as possible, so the less stuff I need to get out for a brew day the better
I have strained the cooled wort through paint strainer bags in the past, but I don't want to take a chance with infection so I don't go that anymore.
Steam the strainer for 10-20 mins while the wort is cooling.
Steam the strainer for 10-20 mins while the wort is cooling.

If I was going to strain the hop debris and break , I'd likely use a stainless steel strainer as that can be properly sanitized. A nylon bag with stitching is nearly impossible to sanitize.
I just whirlpool and transfer. What makes it to the fermentor, makes it.
The last saison I did head first (cheers mate) Recommend a strainer bag attached to end of transfer hose in keg to filter out all the passionfruit pulp I'd doused the primary with and it worked a treat! Gelatine and a good cold crash drops most of the crap in the fermentor without needing to filter. The hop particulate is only in primary for one or two weeks so not long enough to cause too much grassy off flavours I think.

I just cleaned and sanitised the mesh bag as per my normal sanitation schedule. Soap 24 hrs, triple rinse ,boiling water rinse then soak in phosphoric acid and then use.

But maybe brew mentor I should give it a 10 minute boil??
Let your hops roam wild and free !
Whirlfloc and a whirlpool will give you a neat little cone in centre of kettle before transfer and as mentioned a cold crash and finings will give you clean bright beer in kegs / bottles
I just throw the hops in the kettle and let them do their thing. I've been thinking about making the hop spider you've got obviously keeps back plenty of hop material. Will have to wait and see if you taste any difference in this beer compared to previous brews.

It was pretty easy and cheap - cheaper if you use threaded rod instead of buying the long enough bolts - depending on kettle size.
No doubt it worked good for me, and I am going to try to find a stainless strainer of some sort - I am really leaning on just tossin them in though - my first brew I didn't realize the whirlpool trick so had a monster pile of trub in primary. Did secondary, finings, and boom, clear tasty delicious nectar awaited me at the tap!

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions!
I see on eBay you can get em pretty cheap from china some with free shipping. I'm not sure what they ship to Canada for?


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I made a hop spider. Used it once. Threw it away. Prefer to just toss them in. I do use bags for heavy doses of late additions, but that's it.
I have a good one, but only use it now for filtration adding to the fermenter. I throw my hops in unbagged, at the end of the boil I whirlpool until the hops are coned in the center so most of the hops stay in the bottom of the boil kettle, some get into the fermenter but thats ok its never hurt the taste
Orange peel and lemon peel get caught up in my immersion chiller, making it hard to clean. Everything else goes straight in the pot.
