Gelatin & Carbonating

Devin Trudgen

New Member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2017
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I just used gelatin for the first time. Added to the keg. My question is do I need to let sit 1-2 days before beginning to carbonate? Or can I carbonate while gelatin is doing its thing?
gelatin only needs a couple of days in as cold of temperature as possible and you can let it carb while you adding it just make sure you have the beer cold first before you add it

Beer was already cold and I already added gelatin. Beer is back in fridge. Just want to know if I can start carbonating now or if I need to wait until gelatin is done.
the reason I said that is I don't know if your carbing with C02 or yeast with C02 what your asking is fine
I think Oz answered it in his original reply? At least the way I read it...

None-the-less - When I add gelatin, i purge, give it a blast at 30 psi to seat the lid, give it a shake (just a few seconds to stir the gelatin) and then set it at carb pressure to wait. If i don't have room in my keezer, i'll put it in a secondary fridge to clear then move it to keezer and carb (if I do I give it 1 more blast at 30 just because...) Either way works.
Off topic, but within a month of kegging, all my beers are clear... just takes time and cold to settle out suspend particles (yeast, etc.)
The one time I carbed off gelatin I left it sit for afew days, you're going to pull some nasty stuff for the first pint regardless so I wouldn't worry to much.
gelatin is great for clearing beer quick! ive got near bright beer in a week post kegging with geletin. my latest beer un finned is cloudy as heck a statement that finning just accelerates clearing time. but as Mase put it Time Gravity and cold temperature will do the same.
Agreed - and i actually see a small difference on some beers over time, even after gelatin.
I just used gelatin for the first time. Added to the keg. My question is do I need to let sit 1-2 days before beginning to carbonate? Or can I carbonate while gelatin is doing its thing?
I add my gelatin to the fermenter at the end of fermentation after dropping the temp to 10 celsius give it two days and then keg and carbonate. The first pint comes out a little cloudy but is still drinkable, the rest is clear.
If you added to the keg you can carbonate whenever, just give it a day or two for the sediment to drop out. Your first couple pours will likely be cloudy as hell, they were when I did it.

I normally gelatin in the carboy though these days. Mostly for that reason, which when I think about it is a lot of extra work to avoid a cloudy pint or two.
