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Jun 13, 2017
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Just bottled a batch yesterday and the FG did not work out,
OG 1.050 FG 1.012 but my FG only came down to 1.020!
Still tasted good, what did I do wrong?
(Brewing today so my replies will be slow) (brewing TrialBen's S&W Summer Ale for second time......adding a little Citra at 0min)
Look up “1.020 curse.” It happens.
Has happened to me. I gave a good stir and left for another week.
I've never experienced THAT curse but I have experienced the 3724 curse: It's 1.03-ish. All it needs is heat and time but it will almost always stall there.
It had sat for a month already in the car boy, I bottled it yesterday. I have collected the yeast but I am now a little worried about using it again, it is a Nottingham ale yeast, should I just toss it?
What strain of yeast are you using? What temperature is your brew sitting at? did you add yeast nutrient? did you rehydrate, make a starter or just pitch?
Did you add any non fermentable sugars? If not, the high FG could be a result of:

1) old, unhealthy yeast or not enough yeast;
2) not aerating the wort enough at start of fermentation;
3) not enough yeast nutrient.
Johnwk asked great questions that matter, so let us know. My first question would be what was your Mash Temp? If you were leaning towards Beta Amylase in the higher mash temp range, you will always come in high on FG. I've done that by accident many times, and you'd be surprised what 3-4 Degrees higher than target can do. Typically anything over say 155 deg will give you a less fermentable wort.
