english pale ale grist question

Should be fine. Consider adjusting your water to have about twice the chloride as it has sulphate. That will push the beer towards malty and away from hoppy. That will have a definite influence.
That looks great. Personally I would use a little more hops but if you want to keep it more malty, then you'll be happy with it.
I'm going for 2 x 25L, ill add more hops in the next one. i'll try to raise acidity by adding some lemon juice, like 10-30ml to the wort.
Think it will turn out good.

Not sure about lemon juice though.
i dont have chloride or anything like that, so ill have to go with what i have in the tap. im not on that level yet.
i dont have chloride or anything like that, so ill have to go with what i have in the tap. im not on that level yet.
In 25 liters around 5 grams of sodium chloride (salt, not iodized) will do. So little it won’t be salty.
With the IBUs, you have on there, I'm not sure it would be a Pale Ale, but others can tell me I'm wrong and where to go:)
If I wanted something Pale Ale ish, that was a little more malt foward, I would look at something close to an ESB recipe. That would normally get you where you want to be.
When I did my ESB, I used a low attenuating Fullers yeast, an Otter base, some 70SRM English Crystal (1lb for 5 gallons), and a little White Wheat for head retention. I'm not sure what some of those malts are in your recipe are, so I can't translate them to what I know. I would go closer to low 30s IBUs if you want to get close to the Pale Ale range. You can balance it out with the Crystal and the yeast. Kent Golding would be awesome for that.
Hi, I just want to ask anyone if my recipe is fine. im heading for more malt flavor blended with hops.kent golding is fine for that?
Curious if you have brewed with the cookie malt yet? I had used a very small amount in my first ESB, which turned out really great. I used it in two recipes since including a second batch of the ESB and the beer just never cleaned up like it did with the first ESB. I don't know for sure if it was the cookie malt or not. But it gave the beer a really weird mouth feel as well. I do keep my gains sealed/air tight, but something just feels like that grain went bad on me somehow and way too early. Just curious what your take was on that malt. I also primarily use Viking malts. Good stuff.
For adding color and flavor, I like to use a little more of a lighter roast. I might use Pale Chocolate in a slightly higher percentage to get bold coffee/chocolate flavor with too much of a burnt/roasty character, especially if I wanted to accentuate the smoother malt flavors. That being said, it looks like it'll be a very good beer just as is.
I'm not familiar with the Cookie Malt but in a relatively low percentage, most any color/character malt in that range should be fine. My go-to selections for light/medium cara/crystal type malts are Belgian Biscuit, American Victory , CaraVienne and CaraMunich.
I've made a mistake, i wanted to make "English brown ale" not pale ale. everything went fine, there's a bit of chocolate malt taste. but i think it will level out, after some time.
60g of polish hops "rody hodowlane 2/20" mixed with mosaic.
4.5 kg pale ale
0.7 kg of flaked oats
0.5 caramel 200
