Effluent Disposal

Jun 15, 2020
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Hi all. I'm in the process of growing the brewing to 300l, with a view to entering the marketplace. Have any of you experience , knowledge or advice relating to this. I am not connected to the mains sewage, nor as I understand should I be discharging untreated effluent into a sewer. Apparently brewery effluent is 30 times more toxic than sewage. Look forward to your replies
Data sources? Especially for the 30 x.
Hi all. I'm in the process of growing the brewing to 300l, with a view to entering the marketplace. Have any of you experience , knowledge or advice relating to this. I am not connected to the mains sewage, nor as I understand should I be discharging untreated effluent into a sewer. Apparently brewery effluent is 30 times more toxic than sewage. Look forward to your replies
Interesting I never knew. All I know is don't dump your fermentor dregs on a tomato it'll kill it in a few days lol.
But I send my fermentor slurry into the garden or compost heap.
I use sodium percarbonate as brew cleaner I store this in bucket for a few days then onto the garden it goes.
It's my understanding that it breaks down Into organic compounds that arnt dangerous for your plants.

You might need a settling tank / drum you may have to neutralise some acids or such before pumping down the drain.
Very interesting read. I didn't find any reference to Beer Waste being 30x more toxic than sewage. Did I nod off before seeing that?
