What color (scaled as Lovibond, SRM, or EBC) is typically assigned to Demerara Sugar when using it in a beer recipe?
Generally it doesn't matter, the color is so light and so heavily diluted the charge is minor unless you're brewing something extremely light. Make a solution equivalent to a pound in five gallons (500 g in 20 l) and see how dark it is. That's the color contribution of the sugar.What color (scaled as Lovibond, SRM, or EBC) is typically assigned to Demerara Sugar when using it in a beer recipe?
And that diluted over batch size... As mentioned above, not worth worrying over.It contributes an equivalent of about 2 Lovibond. It ain't as dark as you might think.
It contributes an equivalent of about 2 Lovibond. It ain't as dark as you might think.
I was going to guess somewhere around 5 to 8 Lovibond. I'll be adding 1.5 Lbs. of Demerara sugar to a 6.5 gallon (to the fermenter) ESB in a few days. I'm trying to hit 14 SRM for the finished beer. I was surprised that the BF recipe builder doesn't have it as an ingredient option. And a web search turned up zilch.