Delayed Pitch


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Feb 18, 2021
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The Free South
In the middle of the mash (Best Bitter) I checked for the yeast that was in BF inventory. Not in the fridge :rolleyes:. Just Re-ordered so i'll have the yeast tomorrow. I often mash in the evening and boil wort the following day for a split-brew day. Since i've got time now, any issues with going on with the boil and letting the wort sit in the fermenter a day, at say, 60f?
Can't delete thread. I'm just going to boil and plate chill as planned. People no chill and pitch next day. I have less to worry about. Rocking on with it. Pitch tomorrow afternoon.
I wouldn’t worry about it. I had fermentation lag a week with yeast. 1 day won't matter
I saw where some professional brewers would autoclave a 1 liter flask, put the cooled wort from a brewed beer in the flask. There was no yeast added to the wort/flask. It sat on a shelf (sealed) in the brewery at room temperature for up to a week, if no biological activity was seen in the flask over that time, it was a good wort. They used this test to prove that everything up to pitch was sanitary, or even sterile.

So yeah, if your sanitation is good, you will be perfectly fine.
Yeah, just like doing no chill
Thanks. Wort tastes good, hoping the Verdant works out. overshot gravity. 1.046
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Verdant? That's a newer strain, right?
Yes. English yeast strain with apricot & tropicals. I wanted to try it for a pale ale, then read a few posts that people loved it for their house bitters. When this finishes i'll brew the PA and re-use the yeast.
