Corny Keg Lid Carbonation Stone


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May 9, 2022
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Carb Lid.jpg

Has anybody used one of these - seems like a simple and efficient way to force carb. beer - but does it work?

Any opinions would be welcome but I am interested in experiences, pressure used, cleaning, and do you replace it with a regular lid when carbonation is complete?

Thanks in advance!
I am sure it works if you need to carb up in a hurry.

1 downside. You have to remove it to put your normal top on. While minor, oxygen exposure is possible while you change it.

I just force carb at 30+ psi for 2 days. Done.
A buddy has one, it carbs the batch nearly instantly. Yes, you'll want to swap out for a normal lid eventually, but you dont have to - the risk is the stone getting clogged up.
I have used theses for years, they don't clog up as they don't sit on the bottom and they have pressure coming out all the time. You just fill keg and leave the carbo lid on until keg is empty, no need to change lid. The upside is that the CO2 is going straight into the beer as opposed to being forced in from the top. I pressure ferment so by the time I keg using the carb stone I will be drinking that night.
How does this work?
I don't have a corny keg, but may get one in the (near) future.
Just interestedto know
How does this work?
I don't have a corny keg, but may get one in the (near) future.
Just interestedto know
You just don't use the "gas in" post on the keg, use this instead. Then it carbs the beer and provides gas for serving
The carb stone is a sintered metal fitting that lets the gas out through very tiny pores, very much increasing the gas surface area, and thus absorption.
You just fill keg and leave the carbo lid on until keg is empty, no need to change lid.
Maybe I'm missing something but, I don't see how you get the beer out of the keg. There is only one post and that is attached to the carbonation stone at the end. So that has to be the gas-in post. Where is the beer-out post? Does the single post serves as a gas-in & beer-out post?
Maybe I'm missing something but, I don't see how you get the beer out of the keg. There is only one post and that is attached to the carbonation stone at the end. So that has to be the gas-in post. Where is the beer-out post? Does the single post serves as a gas-in & beer-out post?
I am assuming that it is a standard cornie with in and out posts. You just don't use the in on the keg and use the carb stone instead.
Maybe I'm missing something but, I don't see how you get the beer out of the keg. There is only one post and that is attached to the carbonation stone at the end. So that has to be the gas-in post. Where is the beer-out post? Does the single post serves as a gas-in & beer-out post?
The out post is on the keg.
Maybe I'm missing something but, I don't see how you get the beer out of the keg. There is only one post and that is attached to the carbonation stone at the end. So that has to be the gas-in post. Where is the beer-out post? Does the single post serves as a gas-in & beer-out post?
This lid is a third connection point on the keg.
