Convert LME to Grain


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Oct 6, 2024
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We have a recipe we would like to try but it calls for LME Light and we would like to convert it to Grain, We found the calculator for weight but need to know what grain to use in the conversion. Could use any help available. Thanks
No real way to do that. Take the LME and calculate how many oz will increase the gravity you desire. Then pick a specific grain and do the same. All grain will add different amount of sugar based on type, mash style, temp, ph. Too many variables
LME Light [to ...] need to know what grain to use in the conversion.
A 2° L base malt.

The specific name varies by maltster. (Briess: Brewers Malt, Great Western Premimum Two Row, Rahr Standard Two Row, ...). Brewers Friend matches the names (for at these three malts) closely.

If the extract recipe is a kit, another approach is to find the all-grain kit recipe.
In the USA, "Light" LME/DME is often made from a basic two row (2° L) base malt.

If Pilsner, Vienna, or Maris Otter is used as the base malt for the DME/LME, that's often included in the product name. 'Extra light' can also suggest a pilsner base malt rather than a basic two row (2° L) base malt.

@waldop , a complete recipe (or link to recipe) is always helpful when discussing details like this. Thanks!
