change equipment profile for a recipe


Lifetime Member
Dec 31, 2015
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if i make a recipe, save it, and then select a different equipment profile (under "more"), the recipe doesn't update its calculations based on that profile.

in a brew session, equipment changes can be made by re-building the session. is there no way to re-calculate a recipe for different equipment, without inputting it from scratch?
...and it seems the only way to select a particular equipment profile to use for a recipe is to go to your profile and make the equipment you want to use the default FIRST, then start a NEW recipe.

is this how it's supposed to work?
pick the profile under more then save the recipe then look at something like quick water report, does it change or reflect that profile?
pick the profile under more then save the recipe then look at something like quick water report, does it change or reflect that profile?
yes, the water report does change. but there's no change in estimated boil size or brew-house efficiency. is there some logic here that i'm missing? say i have an alternate brewing setup which results in a different efficiency - isn't it reasonable to want that change reflected in the recipe calculations, so i can change my grain bill to produce similar beer stats in that other environment?
I don't understand the question. What is the issue? Is it boil volume, or something else?
I guess it's mostly about efficiency... I just expected that when I changed equipment profiles within a recipe, the calculated beer stats would update to reflect any change in brewhouse efficiency. Then I could adjust ingredients appropriately. Of course, it's not a big deal to explicitly change the efficiency - I just don't understand the logic behind not seeing equipment changes reflected in everything that they impact.
every profile has an average expected efficiency you fill out, is that it ?
you fill that in your self , it will show up and change when you change profiles, is this not working?
correct... not working. I have some different equipment profiles, with different efficiencies filled in; those different efficiencies don't show up in the recipe editor when I change equipment profile there.

sorry if I wasn't clear enough about that in my first post....
also... the estimated boil size doesn't change on the main recipe edit page, although it does change in the quick water estimates recipe tool.

I'm seeing these behaviors everywhere that I have access to: Firefox and chrome on linux, and safari on iPad. Is it working properly for you?
I just confirmed it, it does not change, I'll send it to our developer, thanks for pointing this out
Ok, here is the response I got:

Equipment Profiles only affect 2 things: Water Calculations and Brew Sessions.

The recipe itself (and its efficiency) is meant to be completely equipment agnostic, so you can enter an efficiency in the recipe manually and it doesn’t auto-pull from your equipment profile by design. When you go to brew the recipe however, in your brew session, it should use your equipment profile to calculate efficiency, etc.

So what he's saying is that the recipe won't change- but in the brew session you should have it correct. Please try that, and see if that works properly!
when i start a brew session, it takes the equipment profile from the one that's set in the recipe, regardless of what is designated as my default equipment profile. but it still uses whatever efficiency i've entered manually in the recipe efficiency entry box, instead of any equipment profile, for the brew stats.

my conclusion is that the ONLY way to change efficiency calculations is via the efficiency box in the recipe editor, and the ONLY way to make that correspond to an equipment profile is to set whatever equipment profile you want for those calculation as your default equipment, then formulate a NEW recipe -- after that, the efficiency is stuck for recipe edits and for brew sessions, unless you change the entry in the efficiency box in the recipe editor.

is this the intended design?
when i start a brew session, it takes the equipment profile from the one that's set in the recipe, regardless of what is designated as my default equipment profile. but it still uses whatever efficiency i've entered manually in the recipe efficiency entry box, instead of any equipment profile, for the brew stats.

my conclusion is that the ONLY way to change efficiency calculations is via the efficiency box in the recipe editor, and the ONLY way to make that correspond to an equipment profile is to set whatever equipment profile you want for those calculation as your default equipment, then formulate a NEW recipe -- after that, the efficiency is stuck for recipe edits and for brew sessions, unless you change the entry in the efficiency box in the recipe editor.

is this the intended design?

i.e. the "equipment profile" set in the recipe is ONLY used for water calculations, NOT for efficiency in beer stats, even in a brew session.

I agree with you... it seems like it should be a lot easier. I have 3 equipment set ups. A cooler mash tun set up w SS boil Kettle. A SS mash tun and boil kettle and a Grainfather. All have different profile and stats and efficiencies . I Want to have one recipie and plug in what equipment I'm going to brew it with and have the software figure it all out water, efficiency everything.. can BF do this??
i ~think~ if you set the appropriate equipment profile when setting up a brew session for your recipe, and make a snapshot recipe for the session, then everything is taken care of - water usage and temperature calculations for mash, etc... HOWEVER, you do have to manually change the efficiency in the snapshot recipe to match your profile - just go into edit mode for the snapshot recipe and edit the value in the efficiency box there. i guess that makes some sense, because you're going to have to manually fix your grain bill anyway if you want the final beer stats to stay the same, and might want to tweak some other things, depending on the recipe -- not sure that's something that you'd want done automatically.

it's a not-completely-straightforward thing, right?.... i'd still be interested in hearing from the devs about the design decisions around this issue.
