Brewing Vlog's you've been watching.


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Mar 30, 2016
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Palmwoods QLD
Gday Brewers!

Thought I'd start a thread on this.
I watch a few brewers Vlogs I think they call Em on the YouTube. So what's some of your favourite Vlogs you like to watch online.

Here's probably one of my faves I've been keeping an eye on over the years. I remember this bloke posting videos before he cane pro in his brewery at home. Ive enjoyed watching him setting up his brewery somewhere in the UK. Hes a hands on type of brewer who likes to do most alterations himself.

One more and I'll leave it at this is this Swedish hombrewer who does waky exbeeriments I' a lot of great HB info watching his Vlogs.

Keen to know who you guys have been following/watching brewing related online. Cheers!
Thanks for posting this thread, I am always looking for videos to see how other brewers... Brew
Scotch Test Dummies doesn't really fit the brewing vlog bill, but it's fun and I think enough here enjoy their hooch to maybe appreciate it.

Brewing Network and Basic Brewing are both podcasts I listen to regularly but also have video. The Brewing Network has a large podcast library.
Scotch Test Dummies doesn't really fit the brewing vlog bill, but it's fun and I think enough here enjoy their hooch to maybe appreciate it.

Brewing Network and Basic Brewing are both podcasts I listen to regularly but also have video. The Brewing Network has a large podcast library.
Yep I clicked on the scotch one first then realized it's a spirit related vid. But I did watch a bit of the brewing network podcast but some of them are like 2 hours long so have to set aside some time to watch. But I enjoyed the content cheers!
Thanks for posting this thread, I am always looking for videos to see how other brewers... Brew
Same I've become a big fan of just watching other brewers do their thing sometimes you might see something that you incorporate into your brew methods. Also I like that Harris brew fella as he tackles all sorts of projects from welding glycol plates on his conicals to even cladding them with wooden insulation. Inspiring stuff
Here is another one it's more a beer trends/tasting vlog/podcast but these dudes are heaps entertaining and travel over UK Europe America touring different breweries and tasting and talking to the brewery owners. It's a goer.
Anyone watch this guy? I used to more so than now but still tune in every now and again to see what he's up too. Sorta reminds me of that "Milky" dude from Happy Gilmore now he's brewing beer :p. SEE what yas think. I guess I brew from the same vein not to technical but get the job done lol.
Anyone watch this guy? I used to more so than now but still tune in every now and again to see what he's up too. Sorta reminds me of that "Milky" dude from Happy Gilmore now he's brewing beer :p. SEE what yas think. I guess I brew from the same vein not to technical but get the job done lol.
I have from time to time. He's a little toasty.
Actually, he’s one of the first guys I started watching and taking notes from when I was researching prior to my first purchase of anything related to home brew. He’s a little rough around the edges, and mostly brews what ever he can get his hands on.
Actually, he’s one of the first guys I started watching and taking notes from when I was researching prior to my first purchase of anything related to home brew. He’s a little rough around the edges, and mostly brews what ever he can get his hands on.
Yeah he's relatable I recon seems like the average Hombrewer to me trying out stuff seeing if it works for them and helping others make good beer.
Check this out people's old mate Harry is building an SS pilot system for his brewery. I think he's taken a leaf outta @Yooper s book making a twin tippy dump stand check it out.

Since I'm hoping to be fermenting under pressure thoughts I'd learn up on it. Here's a some info I thought I'd share with whoever wants to know a bit more about preassure fermenting.
I'm fairly new to watching and I've only seen him working on projects, does he ever brew?
Yeah well most blogs I see his missus doing the majority of the brewing while he's tinkering with his projects:D.
Grab A Beer settle back switch on that brewing mind and Enjoy! One of the best podcasts from these fellas I've watched.
