BF Fantasy football league?


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May 19, 2020
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Anybody want to join a BF fantasy football league? If we get at least 8 people interested we could draft early next week before kickoff on Thursday. No money or beer on the line (unless people want), just a league for fun among the "imaginary friends" :)
I suppose you are talking American football and not premier league football (soccer)?
While it sounds like fun, I am already in one FF league that I have a love/hate relationship with ;)
We all get have our year when we get to wear the FF Bag of Shame...
Sounds fun but I get waaayyy too into fantasy football and it consumes my life. Haven't played in 9 years and haven't been happier
One of my closest friends dropped out of our league, it "all consumed" him too. He found that he didn't enjoy watching anymore he was just watching with angst over how his guys were doing.
For me, one league is enough, I have declined others at my work, and elsewhere.
To be fair it's pretty late to try and come up with a league. Maybe next year we can start recruiting earlier
Guys at work got themselves in a bit of a pickle cause they started a league and one of the guys got fired Friday and quit but they already drafted. Can't find anyone to take it and they can't delete the team
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