Beer fridge

Steve Ruch

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Apr 28, 2020
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
Finally replaced the beer fridge I gave up a couple of moves ago.
That looks like what I am thinking about to keep a couple kegs, with room to store bottles, too. I like the idea of a functional freezer to keep my hops, frozen water bottles for wort chilling, frozen apple juice for cider, etc.
My wife has been patient over the past 5.5 years of brewing, and is now arguing for some food storage space in our kitchen fridge.
That looks like what I am thinking about to keep a couple kegs, with room to store bottles, too. I like the idea of a functional freezer to keep my hops, frozen water bottles for wort chilling, frozen apple juice for cider, etc.
My wife has been patient over the past 5.5 years of brewing, and is now arguing for some food storage space in our kitchen fridge.
It works when nothing is fermenting in it. When it is, need to find room elsewhere. Need to have room for the regulator too. If you plan and just need cold storage at Thankgiving, it works well.
