Anything you dont do?


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Jan 19, 2025
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So i had a curious subject tussle going on in my head. Theres so many styles of making things, styles of beer (as a general blanket term). Its common as well to run into wine making, cider making etc. Personally i dont like wine at all, so i dont believe id ever attempt at making it, even out of curiosity. nothing against those that do. My curiosity really is, was there anything in the realm of homebrewing that you knew you wouldnt ever do at the beginning, and maybe ended up trying anyway?

like me, i just find wine smelly and never like the taste, ive tried many different varieties, i never like the odors they get for whatever reason. the tastes always are very off to me. so for me its kind of personal.

so just to re-state my curious point more in full. Did you have something you really really didnt like, thought you wouldnt ever brew, but one day changed your mind, just to see if you could make it more pallatable? and im talking in the realm of something you really just couldnt like, as in my example of wine.
I didn't think I would do a lager...until I found places that made really good ones that were not crappy like Budweiser, Coors, and Miller. A place down the road that has since closed made a Pre-Prohibition Lager that I fell in love with. Another place made me fall in love with a Vienna Lager. Another with Dortmunders, well you get the picture.
Once I got the keg and regulator, I learned how to do them, and I actually have one fermenting now.
I loved my Pre-Pro. I loved my Vienna. I loved my dark lager. I loved my Festbier, so I didn't do too badly.
Brew very hoppy beers or do any dry hopping and then Ben posted a recipe for his Bunyip. I gave it a try and actually did enjoy it.

I'm still not brewing stout, barley wine or dubbels though :)
Just disliked every single one I've ever had
