Another #1 listing.

Steve Ruch

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Established Member
Apr 28, 2020
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
Every time one of these lists comes out it verifies that our move to Fort Wayne was the right one.
Only if YOU like it there.

Plus, it is very safe, with the fort being there and all…
lol..Washington DC is surrounded by an 8 lane, concrete walled mote filled with speeding cars and 18 wheelers and.....well you get my point...
Wow... yeah that is pretty good! Now does the typical income from the local industries / economy provide enough money that that's a realistic expense for say a young couple just starting now or an older couple looking to relocate and retire?
Wow... yeah that is pretty good! Now does the typical income from the local industries / economy provide enough money that that's a realistic expense for say a young couple just starting now or an older couple looking to relocate and retire?
I don't know about the local industries, but we moved here in 2021 with only my modest social security and a very small private pension.
1244 square foot house with a $565 mortgage. You better believe we like it here.
We totally believe you! Prices in our area are absolutely insane right now. We've been thinking about getting a mortgage for a while and even reached at one point to explore our options. It’s such a huge decision, and with the way the market is going, we want to be sure we’re making the right move at the right time. We’re definitely keeping an eye out, and if we find a suitable option that checks all the boxes—good location, fair price, and the right financing terms—we're ready to take the plunge.
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The fort is definitely a good security feature, if my wife wasn't opposed to the idea I'd probably disappear into the family farm and never come out but that would probably make me a weird(er) hermit.
The fort is definitely a good security feature, if my wife wasn't opposed to the idea I'd probably disappear into the family farm and never come out but that would probably make me a weird(er) hermit.
Nothing wrong with being a Hermit
Actually sounds pretty good
