All-in on All-in-1 Brewhouses


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Sep 24, 2019
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Tybee Island, Ga
Hey all,

I am running a nano brewpub with a Braumeister 200L. I have my system fairly dialed in and hit very consistent numbers.

I am hitting consistent 78-82% efficiency pushing 76 gallons out of the 2 HL setup. I have close to 200 batches under my belt on this system. I take good notes on process and settings for my system.

I would be happy to help and I am sure that others who use these brewhouses have good solutions.
I'm at the other end with a 10 litre pot on the gas stove :)
lol thats a thing! I would very much prefer a multi-vessel system for the speed and efficiency i know i can push out of it, but i have what i have.

thought process was to help those who are just getting into the single vessel or to start a spot where people can contribute on that system
lol thats a thing! I would very much prefer a multi-vessel system for the speed and efficiency i know i can push out of it, but i have what i have.

thought process was to help those who are just getting into the single vessel or to start a spot where people can contribute on that system
I think it's a great idea
So you brew 200 L batches and then how many fermentors do you have?
Just wondering how works that pub plan, I wanted to do something like that here in Greece but the law is not allowing fermentors and batches lower than 1000L
But you can open a brewery with 200L batches
I know is crazy but that's it
So you fermenting lets say 5-10 small fermentors?
So you brew 200 L batches and then how many fermentors do you have?
Just wondering how works that pub plan, I wanted to do something like that here in Greece but the law is not allowing fermentors and batches lower than 1000L
But you can open a brewery with 200L batches
I know is crazy but that's it
So you fermenting lets say 5-10 small fermentors?
I send about 287L to the fermenter(302L kettle full). My fermenters are 3.5bbls but i can push 4(2x76gals with loss) into the fermenters.

I have 4 total fermenters.

My limiting factor is my Cooler space for kegs and my overall space. I can store 10 batches of beer in the cooler at a time. 8 draft lines.

I brew 1-2 batches a week.
you store kegs inside cooler or you mean your serving kegs for customers?
Btw were do you store your kegs?
What temperature?
Is ok to store it at Room temperature?
you store kegs inside cooler or you mean your serving kegs for customers?
Yup full kegs go on draft in the cooler.

Generally speaking it is best practice to keep beer cold. Can a keg warm up to room temp? Sure, but it will degrade the beer far faster, even in a keg.

When i was canning beer, you pull a case aside from each run and place it in a warm room or at room temp. you date and keep this inventory for atleast a year. This gives you a "accelerated" aging process. Helps you judge the actual shelf life of the beer or if there is any secondary fermentation this will quickly show it.

Empty kegs get stored off site.
Yup full kegs go on draft in the cooler.

Generally speaking it is best practice to keep beer cold. Can a keg warm up to room temp? Sure, but it will degrade the beer far faster, even in a keg.

When i was canning beer, you pull a case aside from each run and place it in a warm room or at room temp. you date and keep this inventory for atleast a year. This gives you a "accelerated" aging process. Helps you judge the actual shelf life of the beer or if there is any secondary fermentation this will quickly show it.

Empty kegs get stored off site.
But what if i store it at room tempreture, lets say 20 celsius after 6 months will be a significant taste change?
But what if i store it at room tempreture, lets say 20 celsius after 6 months will be a significant taste change?
Yep, After 6 months at room temp I would assume a fairly significant taste difference. We assume a 3 month shelf-life on cans. Kegs last longer but after 3 months there is a noticeable difference in taste.
Yep, After 6 months at room temp I would assume a fairly significant taste difference. We assume a 3 month shelf-life on cans. Kegs last longer but after 3 months there is a noticeable difference in taste.
i asume that extended wen pasterize right?
i asume that extended wen pasterize right?
To some extent yes. There is a lot of science that goes into extending shelf-life. Without a lab set and some serious gear you really just assume 90 days on cans if they are normal abv or hoppy. Big malty beers can last far longer and actually improve with aging. To a point.
