Adjuncts no longer in Steeping Grains (Extract)?

Ted Armstrong

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Feb 25, 2019
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I designed a recipe last month and specified an Adjunct (i.e. Flaked Oats) as the Steeping Grain.

When trying to edit and save today, the drop down for the Steeping Grains is blank, and I get the error message "Error: Steeping Grain was not found!" when trying to save.

Is this new behavior?
Possibly- since you can't steep oats (you have to mash them), if you have the recipe in "partial mash", it should work. but you still have to mash them, even if you can put them in the recipe. They will contribute only starch if not added with a base grain of some sort- say, a pound of two-row or Munich malt- in with the "steep".
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I'm curious why some Extract Recipe Kits provide such adjuncts to be used in the "Steeping Grains" phase.
Perhaps I don't fully understand the semantic difference between a Mash and Steeping Grain.
Mash, would be your primary fermentables (Maris Otter, 2-row, Pilsner, etc), whereas steeping grains are more for flavor. The reason being is that primary fermentables yield the sugars needed for the yeast to convert to alcohol during the mashing process, and steeping grains won’t yield enough sugar for fermentation, rather they provide flavor/color.

Both Liquid and Dry Malt Extracts (LME and DME) are primary fermentables in your extract kit. some kits don’t require steeping grains for additional flavor/color as the DME or LME included in the kit represent the style on their own.
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