35L Brewzilla Capacity

Over The Cliff Brewing

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Jul 19, 2019
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For you Brewzilla folks....I have decided to instead of brewing a 2.5 gal Chimay Grand Reserve I'm gonna do a 5 gal batch. It is a big beer (10 to 12% ABV). That requires a lot of grain. What has been your grain limit in this all-in-one? I think for me it was 14lbs, 6.4KG. I need 16 lbs of grain and I believe that is way too much.
For you Brewzilla folks....I have decided to instead of brewing a 2.5 gal Chimay Grand Reserve I'm gonna do a 5 gal batch. It is a big beer (10 to 12% ABV). That requires a lot of grain. What has been your grain limit in this all-in-one? I think for me it was 14lbs, 6.4KG. I need 16 lbs of grain and I believe that is way too much.
I cannot fit 16 pounds of grain into my BZ35. 14 is really iffy. Most of my beers are in the 12-13 range.

One possibility is to brew with 10 pounds, and then six or 8 pounds. In other words, double mashing in the same water. You lose some efficiency but can get a higher OG.

Another possibility is to use dry or liquid Malt extract after mash (at the end of the boil I suppose) to hit a significantly higher OG.
I like the LME path. Or I could just bring the ABV down and go with high 8 low 9
Hey what does my crazy mate DR Hans say - "no one ever remembers a coward".

LME/DME sounds like a great backup to have on hand for any big beer they are notorious for poor extraction efficiencies :).
maybe do 2 mashes and combine them at the boil stage. boil it down until you hit your OG?
