Android Shopping List for Mobile App


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Established Member
Feb 7, 2020
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I have not used the mobile app very much, but it does come in handy when looking up recipes and brew sessions when people have questions on my beers.

One thing I noticed today is there is no Shopping List on the Mobile App. That would be very handy.

I was able to add things to my shopping list on the web today but when I was heading to the local homebrew shop, I could not see the list on the app.

I see no other threads on this, and see that it is best to post these things on the forum to see if others are interested. I did some searching and did not see anyone else mention it in another forum thread.
Hmm, that would come in handy. I often use the phons’s notepad, or bring the recipe with me when I visit the lhbs, but that is imperfect.
It didn't even occurred to me to check if a shopping list was there in my phone app which I actually never used yet. Rushing last weekend to finally enter all the inventory, I thought that all I had to do was to click BREW and out it come from the inventory and the missing ingredients automatically would go into the Shopping Cart list, and off I would go to my homebrew store with my phone to pick it all up. So now it's back to my google sheets inventory list I originally made. Gee. One of the reason I actually joined was that I thought this all was incorporated in Brewersfriend. So AnokaBrewer is right, there is much to do to finish this otherwise great website. To have an automatic inventory/shopping list is rather basic guys.
