Dortmunder Export (Well, Something Like It)

Sandy Feet

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Jul 4, 2022
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I have been toying with the idea of something German for my next batch. Josh had discussed his version of a Helles during one of the Zoom meetings. I liked the idea, but wanted to maybe go with a few more base malts.
I came across a version of Dortmunder Export online. When I ran the numbers for BIAB, I came up with about 75.5& Pils (Probably going Weyermann), 16.3% Vienna, and 8.2% Munich. Going to use a heavy pitch of 34/70 and Hallertauer Mittelfrueh (1oz at 60, 1 at 30, 1 at 10, but that might change based on Alphas). I am shooting for the 30IBU neighborhood and using Publix Spring Water with no modification. Going single infusion BIAB. Mashing either 150 or 152. I haven't made up my mind yet. I am trying for something mid to upper 5's for alcohol.
I would like to hear what y'all think and maybe some changes that might be beneficial. It sounds like something I would enjoy, and I really did want to play around with some Vienna again. I might bump up the Vienna just a tiny bit.
Well, got my hops yesterday, and the alphas are only 2.9. Yikes! So, I guess I am not getting my 30 IBUs. I am going to throw in my 30 minute addition at 60 and keep my 10 minute addition. I think it will be tasty anyway, but not quite what I wanted. Hey, it is German, a lager, and 3oz of hops. Unless I do something stupid, it will be beer. It is also a good time of year to do a lager around here.
Well, got my hops yesterday, and the alphas are only 2.9. Yikes! So, I guess I am not getting my 30 IBUs. I am going to throw in my 30 minute addition at 60 and keep my 10 minute addition. I think it will be tasty anyway, but not quite what I wanted. Hey, it is German, a lager, and 3oz of hops. Unless I do something stupid, it will be beer. It is also a good time of year to do a lager around here.
Yeah, unfortunately everything nobel has been coming in super low alpha the last few years. I've been bittering with magnum then doing any flavor/aroma with the nobels.

That said, in this style and earlier addition is more style appropriate anyway... not that that so much matters. I think you'll be just fine! Have a good brew.
Yeah Tettnang Hersbrucker and mittelfruh I bought this year were all about 3 aa and the Perle and traditional were 5… I just used more. I love low AA hops in abundance at beginning of boil
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I normally buy another 1/2 oz just for this reason, but I didn't want to go above 3oz with that style, and I did want to play with a late addition. I'm not all that worried. I am going to brew on Sunday instead of Saturday because of the weather. Saturday is going to be cold and rainy in the morning. Sunday is going to be cold, but not rainy. I'll just make sure to do all my chores on Saturday morning.
I expect it in January, but it has been a few years since it has and will stay cold for this long.
It was cold this morning, but next to a kick ass propane burner and with a jacket, sleeves, and pants, it wasn't horrible. I mashed too high overcompensating for the temps. My gravity was high too. The good thing, it was cold enough that I could pitch right away. Without my brewing assistant/wife, everything takes longer, but it is in the fermenter.
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I was writing some notes in the software. I'm running into lots of things I didn't intend, but I still think I'm going to enjoy drinking it just based on the ingredients. I'm waiting not to see what happens on a different variation of a D Rest. I mentioned it hasn't been very warm lately. Well, I bumped up the temps yesterday when I got home from work, but being in the garage it has only risen to about 58. I think it might get to 62 when the weather warms up into the 70s this weekend, but it is going to get cold next week again.
If it were an ale, I would already be using the hairdryer, but a lager.., I'm letting it ride. The thing took right off on Sunday, and it was actively fermenting when I woke up for work on Monday. I pitched very heavy, and It just died down last night, and the krausen just dissipated today. I think I'm having a fairly healty fermentation. I'm really interested to see what I get from this based on the things that I didn't expect.
I'm going to let it sit until my normal 13 or 14 day mark before I keg it. What temperature range it will go through is a mystery at this point. With the controller, the inside of the refrigerator won't get above 65, but I'm not sure about the cold side.
It will be fine. You said it will go up some and that will do it. Time, will also do it. If there was any diacetyl anyway. especially with your large pitch
