G'Day from the Gold Coast


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Dec 4, 2024
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Hi Fella's Just joined here. Been doing very basic brewing here for about 6 months. Some successes. No real failures. Hoping to learn a bit more here before I invest.

By the way, I'm a long time member of the BBQ Brethren and have a lot of friends there. If you like Que as well as a Brew, go check it out and I might see you there too.


Always good to see new faces.

Post some pictures of your setup.
Hi Fella's Just joined here. Been doing very basic brewing here for about 6 months. Some successes. No real failures. Hoping to learn a bit more here before I invest.

By the way, I'm a long time member of the BBQ Brethren and have a lot of friends there. If you like Que as well as a Brew, go check it out and I might see you there too.


hopefully you can replace.my absence here on the Forum as fellow Australian.

cheers bud I do like the Que.
I used to check out bbq brethren, but somehow stopped...
I like a good braai (what you would call barbie :) )
Zaambi... I have African connections, so I know a Braai. I also make my own Biltong with my own recipe which is the best. Because nobody ever said they had better.

To the other fellas, all I have is a fermenter in a garage and a lot of bottles and boxes so not worth a pic.

I have done a few brews.

Mountain Lager from Morgan's in Australia was my first and still best I think... because I was surprised it was any good.

I've done quite a few batches over the last 6 months. Japanese Lager, XPA and Pale Ales, Hefeweizen, Pilsener and one or two more. In my area in the Gold Coast it's now getting too hot to really ferment anything in over a week so just bottling my last batch of NZ Pale Ale 2 days ago and then I'm done unless I get a cooler option.

Which is a thing I'm interested in. What kit do I have to get to brew small batch beer for personal use and friends in a climate like Miami?


There are a couple of small batch brewers here, of which I am one and in a hot climate (Zambezi Valley).
You can go multiple ways, but on a shoestring
Fermenter and airlock
Big enough pot. Bigger is better, but I use a 10 litre pot to make 8-10 litre beer
Biab bag, if thats the route you want to go
Something to heat, gas burner, stove, induction?
Something to keep a more or less stable temperature for the mash. I use a big cooler box and move pan with grainsand all inside
Hydrometer or refractometer
Someplace with a reasonably stable temperature. In your case I would brew with one of the kveik's and temp control becomes less important
Bottling or kegging equipment and here you are lucky. Go for the oxebar kegs. No big investment needed and you could naturally carb or spund if you want


The others can chine in
All depends on budget as you can also go for an "all in one".
Mine is the cheapskate setup
Zaambi... I have African connections, so I know a Braai. I also make my own Biltong with my own recipe which is the best. Because nobody ever said they had better.

To the other fellas, all I have is a fermenter in a garage and a lot of bottles and boxes so not worth a pic.

I have done a few brews.

Mountain Lager from Morgan's in Australia was my first and still best I think... because I was surprised it was any good.

I've done quite a few batches over the last 6 months. Japanese Lager, XPA and Pale Ales, Hefeweizen, Pilsener and one or two more. In my area in the Gold Coast it's now getting too hot to really ferment anything in over a week so just bottling my last batch of NZ Pale Ale 2 days ago and then I'm done unless I get a cooler option.

Which is a thing I'm interested in. What kit do I have to get to brew small batch beer for personal use and friends in a climate like Miami?


I live in Orlando about 240 miles north of Miami. A refrigerator with a controller works well, even for a lager in the summer.
I do Brew in a Bag (which I believe originated in Australia). You can brew almost anything with that in about the same time as extract with steeping grains.
I like to brew just about anything traditional for personal use. You can with a refrigerator and a decent yeast selection at the HB store.
I did a Pre Pro American Lager and a Vienna Lager which were both great in a warm climate. A low alcohol Porter or Stout are also both quite good when it is warm. A Saison is ideal to brew when it is hot.
Maybe we should share our temperatures.
Currently a bit too hot here at 44 oC (111 F) and no aircon
It would make it 89 F for both of us (32 oC)
I do have heat and A/C :) Thankfully. I didn't have heat for a couple of years when lightning fried whatever the element is that switches AC to heat in a heat pump. I eventually had to replace the unit.
Winter is kind of silly season around here: Warm a few days, cold a few days, occasionally freezing overnight a few times a year, sometimes in the 80s. It is Forrest Gump's box of chocolates.
Zaambi... I have African connections, so I know a Braai. I also make my own Biltong with my own recipe which is the best. Because nobody ever said they had better.

To the other fellas, all I have is a fermenter in a garage and a lot of bottles and boxes so not worth a pic.

I have done a few brews.

Mountain Lager from Morgan's in Australia was my first and still best I think... because I was surprised it was any good.

I've done quite a few batches over the last 6 months. Japanese Lager, XPA and Pale Ales, Hefeweizen, Pilsener and one or two more. In my area in the Gold Coast it's now getting too hot to really ferment anything in over a week so just bottling my last batch of NZ Pale Ale 2 days ago and then I'm done unless I get a cooler option.

Which is a thing I'm interested in. What kit do I have to get to brew small batch beer for personal use and friends in a climate like Miami?


Aside from a refrigerator of some sort, there are yeasts that are happy at 35C. Everyone can cool a bunch of bottles, not everyone can cool the whole fermenter.

Welcome to Brewer’s Friend!
Well, I'm already learning, so this is a good thing. 38 Celcius today. Time for a cold one. ;)
Well, I'm already learning, so this is a good thing. 38 Celcius today. Time for a cold one. ;)
Nice and cool :)
36 here right now, but only 8 in the morning
If you are getting good results from brewing lager with cheap equipment early doors then I would say you must be something of a natural. Welcome and enjoy the rest of your journey.
