IPA Base Grain Question


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Mar 21, 2024
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Looking to buy a bulk bag of base grain, but what is better for IPA/NEIPAs? 2-Row Pale Malt or 2-Row Pilsner Malt?

Has anyone used grain from Valley Malt out of MA/NY?
I’d pick the pale malt, but wait for other opinions. Pilsner has a certain flavor that I don’t prefer in IPAs.
I would recommend pale malt. Pilsner is going to be too light for an IPA, in my opinion. Plus, I find pale malt more versatile if you do decide to branch out into other styles, like reds/browns, British beers, etc.
3rd for pale. I would even use vienna for IPA for a little more color
I use Pilsner as the base in my IPA’s. :confused:

But I also add Munich and Spelt. I don’t think I’d tell the difference between Pils and Pale in the end.
You can do both. 2 Row is probably more typical, but a mix of 2 Row and Pils works. My last NE experiment kind of failed, but it was because I didn't use enough hops. The base I used with a mix of Pils and 2 Row was good along with the White Labs Coastal Haze yeast. If I upped the hops, I think it would have been quite good.
I never made a hazy but with 6 row pale you'll get your hazy with the higher protein in it.
Either/or ...
I use CMC 2Row, I have used CMC Pils and Rahr 2row. To be very honest, I buy 2row because it has a little more sugar and is what i have always used(it is also very cheap). Its very functional and versatile.

I have not been able to tell a difference flavor wise between beers made with pils vs 2row, used it for a while, switched back to 2 row.
