Brewing with distilled water

Over The Cliff Brewing

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Jul 19, 2019
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I bought more distilled water than I needed for something and I was thinking of brewing a beer with it. What should I be aware of besides adding salts?
Nothing, I think.
You'll need to add salts and acid etc, remembering there is zero buffering capacity
Use it for coffee and buy spring water for the beer?:)
I use spring water for the coffee too. The taste of the water here is pretty bad.
Distilled water tastes flat with no minerals, even in coffee. Add the salts as needed per the water calculator.
It works really well with light beers, brewing salts are an obvious addition, but it works with everything from American Lager to a West Coast IPA. Most of my beers are a combination of RO and distilled water, it works with most beers that don't have too much color.
I may be late to the party here, but maybe brew a lager, or Pilsner, to my knowledge they typically use a "softer" water profile. I recall adding very little to RO water when I brewed the Shady Bohemian.
The plan is to brew a Helles. My home water is pretty soft to begin with so I'm on the fence. This is my first Helles so I don't want to mess it up.
The plan is to brew a Helles. My home water is pretty soft to begin with so I'm on the fence. This is my first Helles so I don't want to mess it up.

Distilled or RO water is fine. You can add 5 grams of calcium chloride to your water to increase calcium a little (for yeast health) and the chloride and should be fine.
