Blonde ale, basic recipe


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Jun 14, 2023
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Hello everyone.
The recipe is:
91% pilsener
9% carapils
OG: 1048 fg 1009
Cascade at 60 and 15 minutes 50-50% bitterness 22
Yeast: us-05

If i put cascade at 20 minutes will make a big difference?
I'm thinking that I want to take a little aroma but I'm taking to long to cold the wort so if i add the hopes at 15 will be like 20 because of my slow cooling, I'm thinking right?
Also what's your thoughts about this recipe?
Any recommendations?
If you want just a little bitterness, I would go closer to 10. If you want more bitterness, go 30 or 60. Whatever the software works out for what you want. IBUs are calculated IN the boil. I had a 0 IBU beer on Saturday that definitely was noticeable. They must have used a SHITLOAD of hops in the whirlpool.
Carapils is only going to add some body, head retention, and a little color, very little in the way of taste. You can get away with 4 or 5% of it if that is the reasoning.
I think your recipe is fine as is. Personally, I’ve never noticed any contribution from CaraPils one way or the other. If you already have it, by all means use it. If not, don’t bother buying it.
I think a Blonde Ale can use a bit of hoppy aroma, so I would add the Cascade as late in the boil as you are comfortable with.

Good luck!
I think your recipe is fine as is. Personally, I’ve never noticed any contribution from CaraPils one way or the other. If you already have it, by all means use it. If not, don’t bother buying it.
I think a Blonde Ale can use a bit of hoppy aroma, so I would add the Cascade as late in the boil as you are comfortable with.

Good luck!
I'm making experiments, last batch my foam was so weak, i want to try carapils for sure this time.
For this batch i don't really want some intense aroma, but i want aroma just enough to taste it only, I don't know how will this can happen,
Probably need 2-3 batches to find the best timing
I will try 15min on this but any advice is welcome
Upper 20s to maybe 30 IBUs if you want a little bitterness, but not a lot. Aroma would be late addition. Bittering is early addition.
I like a bit of low crystal malt in my blonde.
It's a general substitution chart.
I don't feel that you get the same sweetness from carapils as you do from a low caramel malt.
I actually use about 6% honey malt in mine and no carapils.
I also use some Vienna malt
If not remember, I'll get a picture
It will make it cloudier, but I used about 1/2 lb of white wheat in my beers (5 Gallon batch) for head retention when I bottled. I didn't try Capapils until my first lager. Come to think of it, I have either had some wheat or something flaked in just about everything for some time. The Saison I made has a couple of pounds of wheat.
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4th day and it's very clear already
I used Irish mosh

