Dry Malt


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Established Member
Aug 12, 2020
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I am going to do am Extract beer and going to use 2KG of light dry malt, and do a mash with grain,
the recipes say to boil some of the DME is this step really required or can i just put DME straight into fermenter with hot wort and mix it then
If you are gonna do a mash as well, then might as well just add the dme at the boil
The boil is where the hops release their bitterness. You do not have to boil the whole volume, but you should boil some of it. Beer without hops - at least a little - is not good.

If your recipe specifies an amount of hops and a time, boil that amount for that time in about half the water and all the dry malt. Some recipes call for multiple additions at different times. At the end, add water* to meet the desired OG.

*it needs to be sterile, or at least commercially bottled water. It can be cold to help cool the wort.
Isn't there something about dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and how that gets removed in the boil off and even if that's with extract?
As Don touched on sterile; I'm a bit of a zealot when it comes to sanitary so let me point out that the boil is also making a better, clean environment for the yeast so they don't have to compete against any bacteria and serves to concentrate the flavors from your grainbill.
