water calculator

  1. J

    Water requirements off - not a screen vs print issue

    Hello all, I'd like to report what seems to be a pretty significant error in the Water Requirements calculator. Hopefully you can see in the attached image, the left side shows the Water Requirements calculation for a recent brew session. I nearly missed my final gravity pretty significantly...
  2. V

    Water Calc Bug

    Hello brewers! Hope I'm doing this right as I didn't find any bug report form. I noticed that the g/l unit of measure doesn't work in the Acid Addition tab of the Water Calc, spercifically while using 100% Citric Acid, although I suspect that might also not work with other acids or other...
  3. B

    How to program a partial mash and boil for BIAB

    Can I just clarify, the water requirements and Brew calcs don't take manual pre- and post-boil values into account if batch size is set to Fermenter? I have a system going where I can utilise the massive headroom in BIAB mash thickness to use a kettle smaller than would be required for a full...
  4. MadCactusBrewing

    Water calculator reload

    I create a recipe and want to use a previous water calculation but I can't seem to link it. I save the recipe, click link and when in the calculator I reload the record I used previously for a similar beer. I save it and go back to the recipe but there is no link. I tried this by saving as a new...
  5. MrSawdust

    Water acidification calc

    Both my mash & sparge water are from a single tank which I treat with AMS. I can't seem to find a way to enter this correctly so the ph matches my measurements. The tank is 700l. I add around 650ml of AMS. Mash is usually around 300l with sparge between 300l to 400l.
  6. L

    Single all-extract water calculator, kettle size upper bound

    Water calculations for the new extract brewer can't be easily made with the variety of far-more-advanced tools. I did manage it, but it was two separate calculators. I need a single calculator that takes as inputs: 1. Input Water into kettle (gal/l/qt) (which may not be a full-batch volume) 2...
  7. M

    Bug in quick water requirements when fermenter is target volume

    Hi, I think there's a bug when selecting the fermenter as the target volume, and then looking at the quick water requirements. It does not appear to be taking into account the grain absorption into the overall total (this is an extract & specialty grains recipe), or 'water into kettle' volumes...
  8. B

    quick chemistry calc question

    hey there! when specifying the grist properties on the mash chemistry calculator (https://www.brewersfriend.com/mash-chemistry-and-brewing-water-calculator), should I add my LME as a base malt? more specifically, I'm planning to add 3 pounds of an 8 lovibond malt extract to my brew after the...
  9. JustBrewIt

    BIAB Recipe Calculator Configuration

    So I have been brewing for many years, the last 7 mostly on my 3 kettle system, but, I do sometimes brew a batch BIAB and have tried several times to setup a equipment profile for BIAB but have never had any luck. How do I add a equipment profile for BIAB so that it will show me my total water...
  10. LoudMic

    New BIAB guy, Water Volume Question

    Hi, I'm Mic, and I'm a brewaholic. I'm new to the forum and new to BIAB. I've been extract kit brewing for a number of years. 2 weeks ago I brewed my first BIAB, a Blonde ale. I got help from LHBS getting the grain bill, based on an extract recipe have had success with. The day when great and...
  11. B

    Need More Water, Not Enough Kettle!

    Hello All, Normally I brew small 4gal batches (BIAB) in my 8gal kettle - because of the smaller batch size, I can comfortably fill enough water in my kettle + grain bill without it all overflowing for the mash. Tomorrow, I want to aim for my first 5gal batch and after running the calculations...
  12. Brewer #67600

    water adjustments and pH Calculations

    Hi all, A bit of a technical question. Does anyone know how the water adjustments and pH calculator works on the site? 1. Is the calculator based on final fermenter volume for salt additions as there is no mention of “final” only “total” water to be adjusted. 2. How does the calculator take...
  13. Brewer #67600

    water calculator doesn't match overall water profile in recipe

    Hi All, Apologies if this is old news but why is it that my linked water profile and adjustments overall water report is completely different from that shown in my recipe? Screen shot included This makes absolutely no sense to me when they are linked and based on each other. Which one should...
