
  1. FPMBomb

    LalBrew Voss Kveik Dry Yeast Testimonial

    Yesterday I bottled an american kolsch (https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/view/1022327/az-poolside-guzzler-20-voss) that I brewed three days prior using the above referenced yeast. I only pitched half the packet into 2.75 gallons of 1.056 wort and it finished out in 2 days flat at...
  2. JStockton

    Adding Fruit to Kolsch style at Lager

    My latest experiment is a Kolsch style. I typically make a few 1 gallon trials in case I want to try something out. I found what looks like a nice Peach Kolsch style recipe to try the first time. Maybe mistake #1 of a few? What struck me as weird is that frozen peaches are added after...
