
  1. FleetingSmoke

    Hello from Aurora, CO

    Greetings Fellow Hop Heads, My name is Graham Moran. I am a father of two lovely kids, the husband of a stunning wife, and a culinary explorer. When not spending time in culinary exploration you will find me throwing disc golf or reading books. My culinary explorations currently include using...
  2. BilltownBrewingCo

    J.R. Anderson and Billtown Brewing Co.

    Hello!!! I have been posting and reading here on Brewer's friend for a little bit, thought I should introduce myself! My wife and I live in Olathe, KS (Kansas City) with our one year old son. However, I brew in Williams, Iowa (Billtown) at my folk's farm with my brother and law and mother...
  3. Blull Brews

    Hello from Portland, OR!

    I've been using the tools on this site for a couple years and I was excited to see that you could become a member! I brew lots of different beers that I try to fit with the season. I started off in Colorado (where I grew up) brewing extract kits and progressively moved to an all grain set up...
