
  1. ltrog

    How Much DME to Add

    Is there a general equation indicating how much DME will increase the OG reading? I typically brew in 6 gallon batches. I use a refractometer (which I don't completely trust) to get a preboil reading. Today, my target was 1.057 and got a preboil refractometer reading of 1.052. I added one...
  2. Christopher Brown

    "How to Brew" Yeast Starter Recipe is WRONG!

    I'm halfway through reading John Palmer's book "How to Brew". Decided to make my first yeast starter last night follow the starter wort recipe listed in his book, which is 1/2 cup DME to 2 cups of H20. I ended up getting a 1.090 gravity wort. I had to water it down and reboil, had a boil over...
  3. Ward Chillington

    A great windfall...but now what?

    Hi guys, nubie here! I have only about 4 batches under my belt and still in need of a decent boil kettle instead of stealing the wife's soup pot but that's not what I'm here about. While looking around on Craig's List for a kettle today, I happened on a too good to be true deal from a guy...
  4. B

    Yeast Pitching question

    Hi guys, I will brew tomorrow an American Pale Ale I already did before and came out great. 11L batch, The OG=1046, FG 1020 (the estimation was 1012). I used one pack of Safale S-04 (11.5 gr). I am trying to recreate the same batch but I have only 7 gr. from the same yeast. I used the...
