
  1. FleetingSmoke

    Summer 2023: A cooking and brewing success!

    I have done a ton of brewing and cooking this summer. As I read more and learn my interests grow at a similar pace. With a number of fully successful brews in the bottle and down the hatch, my joy in brewing has grown with every batch. My cooking has grown in quality as well as quantity. With...
  2. K

    Gel like oily substance in fermenter spigot tap

    Good evening, while cleaning my plastic bucket fermenter after bottling i noticed a greenish, transparent blob of an unknown,oily to the touch substance inside the spigot tap. Did not think much of it, cleaned it off. Now i wonder if any one with more brewing experience than me knows what that...
  3. S

    Home Brewing 36 Years and Still Counting

    Greetings to all brewers worldwide. I started home brewing thirty six years ago on a whim with my first batch of extract. I liked brewing so much but did not care for the extract kits of those early years and very quickly made the investment to go all-grain. Since then never had a bad batch and...
  4. Christopher Brown


    Any suggestions on how/when to utilize cereal to brew a 1 gallon batch? Local brewing club is having an event to use cereal to brew beer. I’m thinking of making a session IPA with lemon drop hops and somehow utilizing an organic version of Trix (avoiding preservatives). Should I add it to the...
  5. Texas Ale Works

    Water Report

    Just got back mt water report from Ward's Lab PH - 7.6 TDS - 140 Elect Con - 0.23 Cations/Anions - 2.4/2.2 Sodium, NA - 14 Potassium, K - 3 Calcium, Ca - 27 Magnesium, Mg - 4 Total Hardness, CaCO3 - 84 Nitrate, NO3-N - <0.1 Sulfate, SO4-S - 8 Chloride, Cl - 4 Carbonate, CO3 - <1 Bicarbonate...
  6. N0mad

    Sharing is Caring...

    I've brewed a couple of Belgian Wit's that require spices or herbs but the ones at the LHBS are so expensive and the McCormick spices are no better. I found a place that had some of the ones I've using at a much better price... for example I purchased a 1.5 ounce of ground McCormick Sweet...
  7. N0mad

    Water, water everywhere!

    I understand water chemistry is important for optimum results but like most in the "Beginners Brewing Forum" we have to crawl then walk before we can run. I use Ozarka Spring water in my brew and a detailed water report is available. At this time I'm only equipped to do 10 liter (2.6 gallon)...
  8. Blull Brews

    Hello from Portland, OR!

    I've been using the tools on this site for a couple years and I was excited to see that you could become a member! I brew lots of different beers that I try to fit with the season. I started off in Colorado (where I grew up) brewing extract kits and progressively moved to an all grain set up...
  9. bradyt88

    Pina Colada New England Style IPA

    So prior to brewing this, I asked friends and family what they thought about the idea because we want to enter a beer into an upcoming IPA competition. We received a lot of positive responses, but not surprisingly, there was also a lot of negative feedback. The negative feedback revolved around...
  10. N

    PicoBrew Z - Any thoughts for a new brewer?

    Hey All! I'm brand new here and very new to brewing in general. I have a lot of interest, but not a ton of time. I was looking at the different machines from PicoBrew and the newly announced PicoBrew Z caught my attention. Can anyone share their thoughts on this machine in general and if...
