
  1. C

    Lower ABV than expected

    Hello there, I've been all grain brewing for a short time, less than a year, and all of my brew's ABVs have been lower than what the recipe says, and not by just a little either. For instance, the last batch that I brewed was expected to produce a 6.17% ABV but finished out at 4.49%. Same recipe...
  2. M

    ABV calculation in the Gyle and Krausening priming calculator

    This calculator is really awesome, I've only got a few suggestions for improvement: ABV calculation: When priming with wort of the same OG as the rest of the batch, this feature won't really be necessary, however, when priming with wort of different OG/FG, or when adding sugar as well, it'd be...
  3. F

    Tilt, ABV & BrewersFriend

    Hello. Question regarding the ABV value as displayed by Tilt in my Brew Session pages: Is Tilt's current ABV value calculated from the recipe's predicted OG, or from Tilt's original gravity reading? Thanks
  4. A

    ABV different from NB Lemondrop Saison AG Recipe

    I wanted to give the Beer recipe calculator a try before my next brew. I purchased the NB Lemondrop Saison AG kit, and entered all the ingredients into the recipe calculator. The Brewers Friend calculated OG is 1.026. However, the instructions from NB state that the OG should be 1.060. I'm...
  5. FBorrego

    Lactose (milk sugar) increasing ABV%

    Hi BF Forum, Can you guys check why "Fermentable - Lactose (milk sugar)" is increasing ABV% ? While increasing OG/FG is normal, lactose is un-fermentable and cannot be considered in ABV% formula. Thanks! Cheers!
  6. I

    Enough different ABV amounts from different calculators

    Hello, here a very newbie at brewing, so some doubts. One of them is related with the use of calculators in this site. When I try to know the alcohol by volume in my brewed product I obtain different numbers depending on the calculator. The difference is subtantial as for the same OG (Brix 9)...
