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  1. Yooper

    Custom Brew log events

    Thanks for the suggestion. We’ll see what we can do.
  2. Yooper

    Brilliant or really dumb in the Brewzilla?

    Yes, I could. The thing is- it's just as much work to do 5 gallons as it is 3 gallons. So that's part of it. One keg to fill, carb, tap, repeat vs multiple brew days that take the exact same time and amount of work. That's one of the reasons I used to brew 11 gallon batches- just as much...
  3. Yooper

    What’s your “house” yeast?

    I usually have one or two main yeast strains saved for the summer (I normally just brew spring through fall now, and not at all in Florida). I love WLP001 for my IPAs, APAs, etc so that's usually in my fridge. Right now I have Wyeast 1335, British ale yeast, in my fridge. I use that for IPAs...
  4. Yooper

    Brilliant or really dumb in the Brewzilla?

    Yeah, this one is 35L, which should be enough but it's narrow and tall (not that tall, but definitely taller than I need it to be!) and wider and still 35L or so would have been better in my case. I'm not abnormally short, but I"d definitely not tall enough to live the malt pipe full of grain...
  5. Yooper

    Brilliant or really dumb in the Brewzilla?

    That's definitely one thing I'm considering- using my old CFC and that should help.
  6. Yooper

    Brilliant or really dumb in the Brewzilla?

    Yes, I should have gotten a bigger one, but I didn't. So I have to work with what I have unfortunately, Had I known everything, I wouldn't have bought this one. The wort chiller is totally useless.
  7. Yooper

    Brilliant or really dumb in the Brewzilla?

    Unfortuntely, I mostly brew beers over 6%. And I brew mostly IPAs. :( Although, my low IBU and low ABV pilsner clogged the pump with 1.5 ounces of loose hops.
  8. Yooper

    Brilliant or really dumb in the Brewzilla?'s not an 'all in one' as I need a second vessel for sparge water...................:) If it was, say, 2 inches more in diameter I think I would be very happy. As I could do a full volume mash. But it's very thin, great for small footprint, not great for volume. I really don't...
  9. Yooper

    Brilliant or really dumb in the Brewzilla?

    Use cleaned malt pipe for superhopped wort..... ? I had a heck of a time with only 6 ounces of hops in the boil even though all but 1.5 ounces were bagged when it came time to transfer to fermenter I had sooooo much sludge. I used a hops spider, a couple of bags, and then the whirlpool hops...
  10. Yooper

    Dead iSpindel?

    Yeah, that would definitely be really bad battery life. I've never replaced the batteries in mine. You could try their customer service email, as they have been pretty good from what I understand and maybe could replace it for you.
  11. Yooper

    Dead iSpindel?

    I have an older Tilt, so maybe it's different, but it sounds like you need new batteries?
  12. Yooper

    Brewed on a Brewzilla today!

    The issue for me is it's in the laundry room with a drop ceiling. I'm thinking about somehow attaching a hoist to the wall, near the top, if I could figure out how to do it.
  13. Yooper

    Brewed on a Brewzilla today!

    @Donoroto I'd like to see what you mean buy this. How the whirlpool arm hooks up to the CFC. I won't use it otherwise I"m sure. I thought it would help with faster chilling, and it might with my old immersion chiller, but using it post-boil didn't make a 'cone' of trub in the middle, and it...
  14. Yooper

    Brewed on a Brewzilla today!

    Yes. It's ok like that, so that was convenient. The 'newest' version is the one missing the middle feet and with my short 130 pound body even lifting 10 pounds out with the malt pipe was a bit tough without a rest between the bottom and above the top of the unit. I have to lift the malt...
  15. Yooper

    Just Bought This

    I just got one too! I brewed on it a couple of weeks ago, and I'm going to keg the beer today. There is a bit of a learning curve, but I found it pretty easy overall. There are some things I dislike about it, but overall I like the smaller foot print of the unit compared to my huge 3 vessel...
  16. Yooper

    Reintroduction/ I'm back (for good?)

    Welcome back! It's really nice to 'see' you again.
  17. Yooper

    Brulosophy 2024 Survey

    Me? I didn't really "need" a 3v system, but I made a ton of 11 gallon batches with the all-electric HERMS with a tippy dump. It was great for the time, as I could easily program the control panel to heat 13 gallons of water to 160 for me, hold a 25 pound or more grainbill mash to within a...
  18. Yooper

    What IPA to brew for spring?

    Well, the beer is kegged and the flavor flat and uncarbonated is promising! Bob tried a sample and liked it. We’ll see once it’s carbed up and decide then if it suits us both.
  19. Yooper

    Brulosophy 2024 Survey

    I didn’t see many surprises at all, as not much has really changed in the last 20 years with demographics. What has changed is the number of people going simpler (more all-in-ones) and not buying the old wives tales parroted around the internet. That’s a good change I think!
  20. Yooper

    Brewed on a Brewzilla today!

    I think we have a slightly different set up- I don’t have a center tube, for example. The malt pipe is just a big basket. The top screen does have a hole for the thermometer, but I took that screen out as I tried to stir the mash (it was heavy at the bottom) and it was slowly sinking and not...
