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  1. Starter Hops

    Old grains and conversion efficiency

    I did a 9-month old, crushed, NB recipe kit 6 weeks ago and yeah I got like 52-53% efficiency. The kit was a hand-me-down via third party. I didn't even know if the bags of hops were ever refrigerated, sure smelled like they weren't. I hit my OG, being a pale ale that wasn't hard to do, I just...
  2. Starter Hops

    Salutations from New York

    Hey jimmy! Greetings from upstate
  3. Starter Hops

    CO2 purging with dry ice

    Speedy Eisbock?
  4. Starter Hops

    Water Treatment

    Burton for the win. I am still convinced very high sulfate remains the ideal profile for British style homebrews.
  5. Starter Hops

    The weekend can't come soon enough

    The weekend can't come soon enough
  6. Starter Hops

    What to brew?

    This was popular served to an over 50 crowd at a recent milestone birthday party (Fast Lagering Method, no temp control just chilly basement 58 F with diacetyl rest for 3 days at 68F room temp, do not fear 34/70, served 19 days...
  7. Starter Hops

    Geraniol conversion in dry hop

    The beer is now kegged. Not cold crashed yet, I added a bit of corn sugar to clean things up. Bottom line, conversion is occurring and I can taste it. Almost ready!
  8. Starter Hops

    What's the haps, brewsephs?

    In the provided embed code for recipes, it works (for me) when I changed http to https on the brewersfriend url
  9. Starter Hops

    Geraniol conversion in dry hop

    One of the latest trends in discussing the magic behind NEIPA is dry hop terpene conversion. It goes like this- the idea is to now start your dry hopping either at high kraussen or at least before the end of primary fermentation completes. The ((british)) yeast will conduct biotransformation of...
  10. Starter Hops

    Mash pH problem on the calculator

    Hey Riverstreet- you're practically a local to me. Hit me up lets brew.
  11. Starter Hops

    Mash pH problem on the calculator

    Right, like a little roasted barley will get you to 15SRM, or like 4-5oz 130L cararoma- different grain totals there alone. Same scenario, is the roasted barley in the mash or steeped separate? HVM is right, this is ballpark calculation when switching to SRM for the water calc and not...
  12. Starter Hops

    Brew session "lite"

    I ignore all the check boxes
  13. Starter Hops

    Preparations complete

    I have a lager fermenting too, been following your lager part of the thread. Never had a visually-stunning, active early fermentation but it seems to be chugging along. I just moved my fermenter to a warmer room too after I saw you do it.
  14. Starter Hops

    Aroma/Flameout vs. Whirlpool

    I do separate flameout and whirlpool additions. I have learned to reduce my bittering charge by about 30IBU to what I want the target be. I shoot for around 60 IBU at 60 minutes, and then just load up at flame-out and after.
  15. Starter Hops

    Grapefruit IPA

    Has any one used a small addition of citric acid to achieve this?
  16. Starter Hops

    Who's Watching the super bowl

    Brady did the heavy lifting for me.
  17. Starter Hops

    Who's Watching the super bowl

    Party I attended last night was all libs, the host put a handwritten sign on a door off the kitchen that said 'Political Room', for any break-out convo's deemed too hot to handle. I dropped a few bigly's, but the simple fact I could probably trigger a roomful of adults by saying TRUMP out loud...
  18. Starter Hops

    Waimea in dry hop

    My Waimea smelled fine, but the pellets were dry and long, like they weren't cut properly. I included zythos, Citra, and azacca in the recipe with the Waimea (in dryhop) and I couldn't identify specifically their contribution. Hopefully AHA checked their hops' quality out before they sent...
  19. Starter Hops

    Microdosing with flavor extracts

    And i'll tap it for this event as one of my entries
  20. Starter Hops

    Microdosing with flavor extracts

    Bingo! The other half is flavor for the Vienna I'm brewing right now. Damn it's cold out I've got my snowmobile suit on.
