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  1. Starter Hops

    Hop plants available now, 15+ varieties

    Hop plants available now, 15+ varieties
  2. Starter Hops

    Medusa IPA - water chemisrty advice

    How you like those medusa hops?
  3. Starter Hops

    Please stop the grass from growing, I want to brew

    Please stop the grass from growing, I want to brew
  4. Starter Hops

    Steam clams in the brew kettle

    Yup, had on hand a 5gal corny full of freshy Comet/Tahoma DIPA. Dad's a stout guy and even he liked drinking this with his clam plate.
  5. Starter Hops

    Steam clams in the brew kettle

    For the 3rd year in a row, I used my 10 gal kettle, 3 gal pot and bayou burner to cook steamed clams over the weekend. It was my best version yet, so I'm leaving my recipe here so I can find it again. CLAM STEAM -serves 8 Start with 3 gallons water and bring to boil in 10 gal kettle Add 1...
  6. Starter Hops

    Anyone Using the "Untappd" app?

    Got a hipster brewer 20 miles away about to open a farm brewery with that exact focus. Nailed it.
  7. Starter Hops

    Wlp810 San fran lager yeast

    I'd skip 810 and go straight to 34/70 as well
  8. Starter Hops

    Anyone Using the "Untappd" app?

    I'm not registered, but I like to read where people drink their beers, it helps ID some really interesting taprooms. Review stars for brews seem to be all over the place!
  9. Starter Hops

    Wlp810 San fran lager yeast

    I tried 810 about a year ago. Fun to try but not entirely a game changer.
  10. Starter Hops

    Its 420. Make tonight's brew sesh beautiful.

    Its 420. Make tonight's brew sesh beautiful.
  11. Starter Hops

    Greetings from beautiful Eureka, CA

    I drank this last night: and then I come here and Hayduke's smiling at me in this thread as well. Its serendipity.
  12. Starter Hops

    The hop plants are waking up nicely

    The hop plants are waking up nicely
  13. Starter Hops

    NEIPA Brew Session

    RobertE- how difficult did you find it to rack this year? For my NEIPA I added 6oz hops loose to primary for my first dryhopping, and yesterday I had to rack the beer twice just to filter enough sediment out. It was my first back to back double racking. Crazy clogs.
  14. Starter Hops

    How long for conditioning?

    The lesson I learned on conditioning: don't plan a brew a month before a holiday and expect the beer to be done. I did a porter this way for Thanksgiving. It had a noticeable astringency. The (very few) bottles I had left over that I sampled after New Years Day (+40 days) made me wish I sat on...
  15. Starter Hops

    NEIPA Brew Session

    I'm brewing this beast today. Thanks for all the help to my yeast starter questions a few days back! Going for 1/2lb Comet and 1/2lb Tahoma before the beer hits the keg. Never worked with either hop, they are my new strains I'm growing this year. Citrus bomb? I'm thinking it should be all...
  16. Starter Hops

    Reducing bicarbonate from tap water in yeast starter

    Good answers. Thanks guys. Cheers!
  17. Starter Hops

    Reducing bicarbonate from tap water in yeast starter

    I typically pitch in a yeast starter while its at high kraussen. I don't chill and decant. My question, how should I attempt to reduce the bicarbonate in my tap water, in the starter itself? Does anyone acidify starter water with 10% phosphoric acid proportional to the size of the starter? Or...
  18. Starter Hops

    5 tips to make you the winning hombrewer at a beer festival based on popular voting

    Having completed my third homebrew beerfest/competition, among a core brewer group that is now familiar, I can identify some underlying trends that propel the winners to victory. These strategies apply to an open voting system where attendees, who pay admission simply to enjoy the homebrews as...
  19. Starter Hops

    Salutations from New York

    There's another hop event at HF Browns on Tuesday (I'm going)- And then there's Bennington Saturday the 18th (totally there)
  20. Starter Hops

    Salutations from New York

    Where have you been all my life? Did we meet a couple weeks ago at that hop event at Carey?
