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  1. Mont Y. Märzen

    Today's news feed

    Their Christmas Ale was always awesome. But they dropped it last year too. (after over 20 years) Go figure, they shut the doors for good after ceasing nationwide distribution...
  2. Mont Y. Märzen

    Decline in Hombrewing.

    Interesting. Yes, I already recirculate. Thanks!
  3. Mont Y. Märzen

    Suggestions for Quick-Carbing Hop Water?

    I ended up QuickCarbing at 20psi for 45min @ 65℉. (I didn't have time to chill it in advance) That wasn't too bad, but I goosed it just prior to the festival and it was on point. There's a fair chance a cooler carb step would have been fine, but I'll definitely consider making up a 25′ line and...
  4. Mont Y. Märzen

    Advice on adding fruit.

    I second the advice to cold crash first before transferring. (if you will do so) It makes the yeast lazy and drops them out of suspension. I've done fruit in primary and secondary (and even once in the boil - never again!) and prefer secondary. (as a bright tank, without a yeast pitch) Be sure...
  5. Mont Y. Märzen

    Stupid things I did for Homebrew today

    A few years back I brewed a beer at a bachelor party. I of course started drinking early, and after the boil and chill, started racking the beer to the fermenter as my buddy asked, "Dude, did you sanitize that carboy?!" Incidentally, we got lucky, and the beer turned out fine. I've thankfully...
  6. Mont Y. Märzen

    Need help reading recipes

    Sure. Recipe #1 *Has 7 (but his notes show he used 8) different malts. Do you know why each one is there? What flavors and aromas each one contributes? What percentages are enough to detect them? Which ones could be left out or substituted? I'm not saying each one doesn't play a vital or even...
  7. Mont Y. Märzen

    New brewer with questions :)

    Not only have my hydrometers always eventually stuck to the side when they stop spinning, (glass or plastic hydrometers, glass or plastic tubes of any diameter or height) but they always stop spinning and settle down with the SG scale facing away from me! I consider this the Murphy's Law of Gravity.
  8. Mont Y. Märzen

    Volume calculator kettle

    I used to do this with a tape measure on my keggle until I installed and calibrated a sight glass. Another option is to do the math for whatever volume units you want and fractions thereof if desired and make a 'story pole'. Some folks use their mash paddle handle for this. (If I'm not mistaken...
  9. Mont Y. Märzen

    Yeast banking

    The Brülosophy Show just covered this last week:
  10. Mont Y. Märzen

    Suggestions for Quick-Carbing Hop Water?

    I'm fixin' to make 2 5-gal batches for a fest this weekend and am curious about carb level for this beverage. I like the level Lagunitas uses in Hoppy Refresher. I just have no idea to gauge how much pressure to use to achieve that 'soda water' level of carb without the body of a beer in play...
  11. Mont Y. Märzen

    Dry Yeast

    It was brewed and stored at my cousin's house who then was out of town for work for a year. We moved our operations to another location, but we left that beer behind. Since I've started brewing and fermenting at home, it is always right in front of me, and I am forever running out! (might be...
  12. Mont Y. Märzen

    Decline in Hombrewing.

    Thanks for the tips! I'll definitely look into it. I was leaning to PWM, but I'm not sold on any path yet and haven't started buying parts. I'm probably about a year out on this project due to others that have to come off the back burner first so I have time for thorough research.
  13. Mont Y. Märzen

    Dry Yeast

    We made this 3 years ago with US-05 and only 2oz. of Huell Melon in the fermenter and melon flavoring too. We 'forgot about it' for a month, then racked it to another fermenter with the frozen and crushed watermelon. Then forgot about it again for 3 months. We thought it was a goner. But we...
  14. Mont Y. Märzen

    Dry Yeast

    You won't catch me dumping though—I'll just drink faster!
  15. Mont Y. Märzen

    Dry Yeast

    That sucks more than words can describe.
  16. Mont Y. Märzen

    Dry Yeast

    By the way, the end of that 1st keg tasted like a biscuit with blueberry jam—it was awesome. So I'm going to have to do it again and double the Blueberries & Honey! (maybe throw a little Victory and Blonde RoastOat in it too)
  17. Mont Y. Märzen

    Dry Yeast

    Yeah, I'm leary of Diastaticus too. My fingers are crossed. It surprisingly wasn't very dry, but that is probably because I kegged it with honey and smashed frozen blueberries! (It took 3rd in a People's Choice) The brew itself was just 8# of White Wheat & 2 ounces of Mosaic. (whirlpool from...
  18. Mont Y. Märzen

    Dry Yeast

    Yes, I've heard of it. Allegedly this strain is STA1-. (Omega's dried isolate) The beer only started at 1.043 so 88% attenuation—that's high, but not super wild and crazy. The current batch is the same recipe. I've yet to throw it at a higher OG, or start it off colder. (I only chilled to 90℉...
  19. Mont Y. Märzen

    Dry Yeast

    Yep, I just found Lutra to be a beast too. Twice now I've hit target FG in 24hrs, but even trying to cold-crash it does no good. The last batch was still going down to 1.005 @ 38℉! (I couldn't let it ride to find out when it would quit as I needed it for a festival.) I just racked a batch last...
  20. Mont Y. Märzen

    Mash pH

    I set my target in the water calc. I add salts first, then acid to hit target. That target then carries over to the recipe when I link the water calc. It is usually very close to reality.
