What are you drinking right now?

What is that flowering at the end of the deck? Looks like frangipani aka plumeria. We got a cutting from a nearby resident a couple years ago. No flowers yet. Apparently it's supposed to be a tropical plant and doesn't like temperatures below 40F, so we've kept ours in a pot so we can bring it inside in the winter while it's dormant to keep it from freezing.
Mr. Roach, we have azaleas near the ground, and a rhododendron above, and they were bountiful this Spring. Both seem quite characteristic of home gardens in the PNW. In a greenhouse it might be possible to grow plumeria here, but difficult (not impossible) to grow outdoors. If you like roses, you would love it here.
Mr. Roach, we have azaleas near the ground, and a rhododendron above, and they were bountiful this Spring. Both seem quite characteristic of home gardens in the PNW. In a greenhouse it might be possible to grow plumeria here, but difficult (not impossible) to grow outdoors. If you like roses, you would love it here.
I love rhodys! They don't grow them here in stl. Grew like weeds in tacoma area
Something new (for me)

Plus an atmospheric picture

Not convinced about this stuff though.
Better than the commercial cider (savanna) but still too sweet.

Still the next one (;) ) will be colder and hopefully better
Mr. Roach, we have azaleas near the ground, and a rhododendron above, and they were bountiful this Spring. Both seem quite characteristic of home gardens in the PNW. In a greenhouse it might be possible to grow plumeria here, but difficult (not impossible) to grow outdoors. If you like roses, you would love it here.
Oh it’s rhododendron. Gotcha. We went to Scotland in 2015, and Ireland in 2016, in both of which rhododendrons are invasive species. They get ENORMOUS in either country. A bit too warm for them here but azaleas do just fine (if you can keep the bloody japanese beetles and nematodes from killing them). We have a few native species that grow wild here. I also like St Johns wort (not the beer kind). Bumblebees act like they’re on crack when they’re on St John’s wort.
Still has not cleared out the way I would like, but it tastes fantastic. Saying Goodbye Vienna Lager.
Waiting for my pork roast to heat back
up and capping off a nice day that started off by watching the sun come out of the water. Fishing sucked, but what an awesome day to float around in a very calm Atlantic Ocean.
‘24 Barleywine. First taste of this year’s version, and I am so stoked. Smooth, but with big flavors. Not too sweet. Very approachable for a 9%’er. Might be my best BW so far. Will be fun to see how this ages.

