Uncategorized - Brewer's Friend - Part 4
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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

FREE Brewer’s Friend Windows Program

Monday, April 13th, 2015

2022 Update: Unfortunately, the Windows version of Brewer’s Friend is no longer available as it didn’t offer the accuracy or features that we offer in the web version. Please give the full featured online recipe builder a try.

We are pleased to announce the release of the Brewer’s Friend Windows App!

Free Brewer’s Friend Windows Program

It is a Free Program with the ability to export the recipes that you create with it to your BrewersFriend.com account and also has the ability to import recipes that are have been exported from BrewersFriend.com as well as loads of calculators, and the same ingredients that you would find on the website!

Here are some of the features:

  • Simple, Fast & Accurate Recipe Formulation
  • Save & Open recipes in BeerXML file format and Open Promash Recipe files
  • Fermentables Calculation can be switched from Percentage to Weight or vica verse “On The Fly” – Simple!
    Hop quantities can either be entered in Grams (g) / Ounces (oz) or by Grams Per Litre (g/L) / Ounces Per Gallon (oz/Gal)
  • Temperature support for both Celsius & Fahrenheit
  • Volume support for both Litres and Gallons
  • Colour Calculations in both SRM (Standard Reference Method) & EBC (European Brewing Convention)
  • Balance Value / BU:GU Ratio (Bittering Units to Gravity Units)
  • Save Recipe to BrewersFriend Account Feature
  • Boil / Mash Timers & Stopwatch (With support for Hop / Misc addition alarms!)
  • No Chill Bitterness Adjustment
  • BIAB (Brew In a Bag) Software Support
  • Brewday Mode
  • “Strict Style” Mode
  • Calendar for Tracking / Logging Beer Progress.
  • Forum Friendly text export (for sharing recipes that are easily replicated from someone elses brewhouse)
  • Export to Formatted HTML
  • Extensive database of Grains / Hops / Yeasts / Miscellaneous Ingredients (with the ability to edit or add your own)
    BJCP Style Guidelines
  • Many tools incuded (Efficiency Calc, Strike Temp Calc, Refractometer Calc, Gravity Correction Calc, Boil Off Calc, Water Dilution Calc,Carbonation Calc, Alcohol % / Attenuation Calc, Hydrometer Temperature Calibration Calc, Timer, Calorie Calc)
  • Backup feature (So you’ll never lose a sacred recipe!)
  • Portable (< 1 Megabyte) executable file (NO registry settings / bloatware / junk)
  • It’s FREE

Since we have just released it and it is fairly new, please let us know here in the technical issues forum area if you find any issues so that we can get them corrected!

New Recipe Bulk Export (Backup) Ability

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

Hey everyone, we have just added the ability to export all of your recipes into a zip file in either xml or html format. Just go to the “Beer Recipes” menu while logged in and you can choose from “Export BeerXML” or “Export HTML” to use the new feature! This should be helpful for anyone who has lots of recipes and doesn’t want have to export them one by one!

If you have any comments regarding the feature, let us know here in the announcements area!

New Friend Following Feature

Friday, March 13th, 2015

Hello everyone, we are pleased to announce that a new feature has been added with the ability to “follow” other brewers. The follow link is on each profile page (if it is set as a public profile) and whoever you follow will appear on your ‘My Friends’ area of the dashboard with some of their latest statistics. Please let me know if there are any improvements I should make to it or any problems that you have using it here on the forum: https://www.brewersfriend.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1958

Have Your Way with Brewer’s Friend

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

We’ve been working as fast as we can lately to build and fix all the great features that you, the Brewer’s Friend community, have sent our way. We’d like to take a moment to really open things up and see what you all are thinking and what would make your brewing experience even better. We want to know what you like, don’t like, want to see more of, loath entirely, want created, and so on. If you have something to say, please head over to our survey here:


Thank you all very much for the feedback, and more importantly for being the best homebrewing community out there!


Congrats to all the Winners!

Monday, February 9th, 2015

It’s February 9th, and if you’ve been following our blog or social media accounts you know today marks the end of the first Brewer’s Friend giveaway!

We asked everyone to go back and update an existing recipe, or create a new recipe using one of our newest features, the addition of images!

231 of you added images. That’s quite the turn out!

The winners for this giveaway were selected using a random number generator. From our database I collected the username and emails of everyone who added an image to recipes, then added those members to a spreadsheet. The row number is your entry number. Random.org selected

225 – bret america
20 – chrisvdp
134 – otrum
157 – Branko
84 – kryanx

These are usernames associated with the account. We will be personally contacting all five winners to let them know they have won. I will need your address to ship out the Critter Cutters, but I have gone ahead and applied a one year subscription to the winner’s accounts providing them full access to Brewer’s Friend over the next year.

We really appreciate everyone who took the time to get entered. The addition of photos to recipes is just one of the ways we’re living up to our motto “Brew with Total Confidence”.

From everyone behind the scenes at Brewer’s Friend we thank you for your support and keep an eye out. We will be releasing new giveaways as we release new features!

This Weeks Newest Features on Brewer’s Friend

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

It’s been a very busy week behind the scenes of Brewer’s Friend. We’ve been busy working on a lot of the great ideas and features members have suggested, and some fixes you guys have been waiting on. We also brought on another programmer to help us make some headway. Thanks for helping us make Brewer’s Friend better!

First in the way of new features is our redesigned front page. It had been sometime since we updated it, so new to the front page is shared recipes, quicker access to the apps, and some general information to help new members get started.

We also implemented a new Slide Ruler search so you can find the beer you’re after preciesely based on OG, FG, IBUs, ABV and more. This will allow you the brewer greater control and access to the recipe database that so many have contributed to.

We also implemented some changes to the way search works. You can know search by a list of ingredients in order to find a beer based on what you have on hand, and the new ability to search by fermentables. We hope you enjoy the latest additions to the search ability!

While I have you, don’t forget to upload photos to your Brewer’s Friend recipes. The drawing for Critter Cutters and a one year membership takes place Februrary 9th, so make sure you get your recipes updated now to be considered for the drawing. Here’s a link with more information.

Brewer’s Friend Supporting Membership and more Giveaway!

From everyone at Brewer’s Friend we hope you enjoy the new features and good luck in the drawing!

Brewer’s Friend Supporting Membership and More Giveaway!

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015

We’re quite happy with the progress we’re making into new features, and to help celebrate our newest feature, the ability to add photos to recipes, we’re giving away five (5) one year supporting memberships, and 5 (five) Critter Cutter beer bottle openers to five lucky members!

Brewer’s Friend supporting membership provides you with Unlimited Recipes, Unlimited Brews, Recognition in the forum, and a totally ad free experience. Here’s a link with more information on all the great benefits of our supporting member program!

Rules and Entry:
Update one of your recipes with photos. Photos must be related to the beer recipe it is attached too.

On February the 9th I will do a search pulling in everyone who updated a recipe and enter them into a random number generator selecting five winners to receive one year of Brewer’s Friend Supporting Membership and a Critter Cutter. Winners will be contacted directly to let them know they’ve won.

No purchase necessary. To enter by mail send full name, address, phone number to Brewer’s Friend PO BOX 911 San Marcos, Texas 78667. Entries must be received by February 8th, 2015. Void where prohibited. International winners to pay shipping. Limit One (1) entry per household.

Add Photos to your Brewer’sFriend Recipes!

Friday, January 9th, 2015

“Brewing with Total Confidence” is at the heart of all we do and we just added a new feature that will add to that sense of confidence as we all brew better beer. You can now include photos to your Brewer’sFriend recipes!

Brewer’sFriend is already the greatest resource online when it comes to recipes, but with the implementation of this new feature we’ve taken it to a whole new level.

Being able to see the beer we’re brewing in all it’s phases can only help us improve our brewing, and the brewing of others. This also allows brewers of all levels to compare and contrast as they make their way to the next level of their brewing lending itself to our motto “Brewing with Total Confidence”.

This also works retroactively, so if you want to go back and update your recipes with photos of the brew you now have the ability.

If you have any questions or issues using this new feature please be sure to follow up in the forum.

Thanks for being a member of the greatest beer recipe site on the planet.

Brewer’s Friend Team

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