Home Brew Bottling Calculator - Brewer's Friend
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Home Brew Bottling Calculator

To bottle 5 gallons of home brew beer:
  • 54 of the standard 12 oz bottles.
  • 38 of the half liter (16.9oz) bottles.
  • 30 of the 22 ounce bottles.
  • 10 of the 64 ounce (half gallon) growlers.
  • 4 of the 5 liter mini kegs.
It is more fun to do a mix. You can use this calculator to figure out how to bottle beer in the exact combination you desire. Just make sure the difference field is in green and you will have enough.
Home Brew Bottle Packaging Calculator:
Gallons to package:
Ounces to package:
  Ounces QTY Total

To be conservative, this calculator rounds down decimals for the final comparison.

Update 9/2012
Added several new bottle sizes, two extra custom options and metric support! Thank you for the recommendations from fellow brewers in the forum!

Note: When bottling a five gallon carboy worth of beer, there will always be less than 640 ounces of beer available to bottle because of losses in the hose, and whatever is left at the bottom. Sanitizing an extra bottle or two is good insurance in case one drops or breaks. Always have a few extra caps on hand too.

To give you an idea of what the bottles look like:
beer bottles
From Left to Right: 64 oz growler jug, 22 oz craft beer bottle, 1/2 Liter (16.9 oz) bottle, 12 ounce bottle.

If you are getting sick of all this bottling, advanced home brewers will package to a 5 gallon corny keg, which requires a CO2 system and fridge or keezer.
kegging beer

The beer fermenting there next to the corny keg and CO2 tank is a German lager.

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