Rebooting - Brewer's Friend
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Saturday, April 3rd, 2021

by Jim Vondracek

This spring, the Brewer’s Friend blog is rebooting, to augment the resources and tools the site offers homebrewers. 

We will be posting new content for brewers weekly.  Initially, our content will focus on six areas:

  • Styles – an indepth look at a particular style, including one or two recipes
  • Ingredients – a look at hops, malts, yeast, and water
  • Beginning brewing advice, tips and equipment
  • Advanced brewing advice, tips and equipment
  • Interviews with brewers and experts
  • Brewing as a hobby – homebrew clubs, events, competitions, stories

Check back soon for an article on a seasonal style – the Helles Bock or Maibock, traditionally drunk in May, fitting in the old German brewing calendar between the Doppelbocks of early spring and the Fest beers of autumn. 

I serve as editor and writer for the blog.  From Chicago, I brew with the CHAOS homebrew club, am a BJCP National and Cider judge, an assistant representative for the BJCP in its midwest region, have taught about homebrewing at the City Colleges of Chicago and regularly lead tastings, off-flavor, pairings and other brewing-related workshops.  I enter competitions and, like most brewers, sometimes earn a medal and sometimes don’t.  I love the community of homebrewers, it is a great hobby!  

If you have ideas for articles, or any feedback, please contact me at  Would love to hear from you as the blog develops over the coming months.  

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