Searchable Fermentables on the Recipe Builder - Brewer's Friend
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Searchable Fermentables on the Recipe Builder

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

It’s been a busy few weeks here at Brewer’s Friend, but we have another feature we’d like to announce.  The recipe builder is the core and most important tool we have here and we take feedback and ideas on it to heart.  We’ve continually gotten requests to provide the ability to search for fermentable ingredients when creating a recipe, improving on the traditional dropdown menu of sorted ingredient names.

We’ve now integrated a filtering & searching capability into the fermentable & steeping grain selection boxes on the recipe builder.  So when entering ingredients, you can simply begin typing what you need and it will filter down the list to just what matches.  Once you select the ingredient, it behaves the same as it always has, but this should help save us all time as we choose our grains, extracts, etc.

Give it a try over on the recipe builder:

This is really a significant change to one of the core functions of the recipe builder.  We’ve done quite a bit of testing on different browsers, operating systems, & devices and feel that this should work for everyone, but if you do run into issues, please reach out to us here:
and we’ll respond asap.

And please keep the feedback and ideas coming.  The best features and improvements come from you, our awesome brewing community.



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